Hi, my name is Marina  and I´m an English teacher for the evening vocational trainings at IES Bellaguarda in Altea.

From the 8th to the 13th April 2024, I went to a teacher training course on Creativity and Innovation into Teaching at the Teacher´s Academy in Florence (Italy).

There I had the wonderful opportunity to meet other fellow teachers from different EU countries such as Greece, Portugal, Croatia and Poland. It was very rewarding!

In the training we discussed about the concept of Creativity in the classroom and different learning styles. We also got to learn and use different digital tools such as:

  • Padlet for collaborative boards  
  • Mentimeter  for online quizzes 
  • Flip and Stopmotionstudio for videos 
  • Goosechase for scavenger hunts

At the end of the week, we all got our certificate for our training from our teacher Pietro Antichi. We had a great week and I would like to express my gratitude to IES Bellaguarda for allowing me to go on this amazing experience! 

T H A N K S    ERASMUS+ ! !

T H A N K S    B E L L A G U A R D A ! !