Pràctiques Erasmus+ a Malta

Com alguns ja sabeu, vam ser Egard, Patricia i Anna, 3 estudiants d’Administració i Finances, els afortunats, que vam poder gaudir de l’experiència Erasmus+ aquest curs 2021-22.

Al principi quan ens van donar l’opció d’anar d’Erasmus cap dels 3 ens havíem plantejant fer pràctiques formatives a l’estranger, però van passar els dies i cada vegada ho teníem més clar, no volíem deixar escapar una oportunitat que sols passa una vegada en la vida. Així que quan ens van donar la notícia tot van ser alegries i vam escollir Malta com a destí. Et diuen que vas a una illa preciosa durant dos mesos a viure moltes experiències i aprendre a treballar del que has estudiat, en un altre idioma i amb els companys que ja coneixes. Res podia sortir malament. Però en el nostre cas, quan va arribar el moment de sortir de casa, en la qual vivíem amb totes les comoditats, en aquella que era la nostra zona de confort on estàvem acostumats a viure, va ser difícil, va ser un gran canvi. Allí ja no teníem als de casa per poder ajudar-nos amb qualsevol problema, no estaven físicament, tot i que parlàvem amb ells telemàticament. A la vegada també vam tindre el suport d’Ana i Vicent que ens van proporcionar l’ajuda que vam necessitar de la millor manera possible i sense demanar res a canvi.

Mai oblidarem el moment en què vam agafar l’avió direcció a Malta, havíem estat els dies anteriors sense dormir, amb tots els exàmens finals i aquella combinació d’emocions que vivíem sabent que eren els últims dies a Espanya. El dia 2 de març ens acomiadàvem de famílies i amics, estàvem esglaiats per emprendre aquesta aventura, perquè en el nostre cas era tot nou, però a la vegada estàvem emocionats per començar aquell viatge. Vam arribar a Malta al migdia, i la primera setmana vam viure en una casa d’Airbnb que teníem llogada per a una setmana en la zona de Pietà.

De seguida ens vam adonar que tot era distint, teníem una perspectiva de Malta diferent de la que realment ens vam trobar. Tot era molt distint a Espanya, en aquell moment ens vam adonar del pas que havíem donat, va ser quan vam despertar del somni que teníem i vam tindre un cop de realitat. La gent, la cultura, els costums, els carrers… Tot era diferent.

Les dos primeres setmanes van ser molt dures, trobes a faltar als amics, la família… I pot ser per a alguns de vosaltres també seran dures les primeres setmanes si aneu d’Erasmus, perquè t’has d’adaptar a un nou país, l’idioma, la nostàlgia, el viure sent independent…

La resta de l’estada allí va ser increïble, ja que a la residència on vam viure la resta del temps, van vindre dos xics espanyols en qui ens vam fer molt amics i fèiem tots els plans en ells.

En l’empresa on realitzàvem les pràctiques, ens van integrar de la millor manera que ho hagueren pogut fer, cada dia estàvem més a gust, coneixíem molta gent, i ens ho van ficar tot molt fàcil.

Tanmateix no tot era estudis i pràctiques, també vam sortir de festa, visitar platges i llocs increïbles que té Malta, arribàvem a la residència i posàvem música i ballàvem per la cuina mentre preparàvem el sopar amb els companys.

De seguida ens vam adonar que tot era distint, teníem una perspectiva de Malta diferent de la que realment ens vam trobar. Tot era molt distint a Espanya, en aquell moment ens vam adonar del pas que havíem donat, va ser quan vam despertar del somni que teníem i vam tindre un cop de realitat. La gent, la cultura, els costums, els carrers… Tot era diferent.

Les dos primeres setmanes van ser molt dures, trobes a faltar als amics, la família… I pot ser per a alguns de vosaltres també seran dures les primeres setmanes si aneu d’Erasmus, perquè t’has d’adaptar a un nou país, l’idioma, la nostàlgia, el viure sent independent…

La resta de l’estada allí va ser increïble, ja que a la residència on vam viure la resta del temps, van vindre dos xics espanyols en qui ens vam fer molt amics i fèiem tots els plans en ells.

En l’empresa on realitzàvem les pràctiques, ens van integrar de la millor manera que ho hagueren pogut fer, cada dia estàvem més a gust, coneixíem molta gent, i ens ho van ficar tot molt fàcil.

Tanmateix no tot era estudis i pràctiques, també vam sortir de festa, visitar platges i llocs increïbles que té Malta, arribàvem a la residència i posàvem música i ballàvem per la cuina mentre preparàvem el sopar amb els companys.

Però, que passa quan has de tornar? Mai ens havíem sentit d’aquella manera, era felicitat i tristesa a la vegada, volíem tornar a casa però a la vegada no volíem deixar de cop tot el que havíem construït, els nous amics, les comoditats que havíem aconseguit durant els dos mesos. Ja estàvem acostumats a viure allí.

També teníem pena per no saber si alguna vegada tornaríem a veure totes les persones en qui havíem creat una gran amistat, i vos assegurem que sempre tindran un lloc al nostre cor, perquè gràcies a ells ha sigut una experiència inoblidable, i sempre els recordarem per acompanyar-nos en aquesta aventura.

Sabeu que tenen les coses bones, no? Que sempre s’acaben. Això sí, en arribar a Espanya va ser una sorpresa. Ningú sabia que tornàvem i que havíem avançat el vol, ni les amigues, ni els familiars, ni tan sols els professors…

Quan vam arribar de cop a casa, la cara que posaven els pares, germans… No s’ho podien creure, ja estàvem a casa, estàvem allí davant dels seus ulls, però també hem de dir que ni nosaltres ens ho creiem que ja estàvem a Espanya. I el millor? Que tot està en el seu lloc… Tot en el lloc on ho vas deixar, res havia canviat. Bé si, nosaltres havíem canviat, aquesta experiència ens ha ajudat a madurar, a créixer, a conèixer-nos a nosaltres mateixos, tornàvem a casa molt contents.

El que vos fa por és l’idioma? Doncs lleveu-vos eixe pensament, per què nosaltres també teníem eixa por, i al final acabes entenen-te, acabes millorant l’idioma i la gent intenta sempre ajudar-te. Hem conegut gent allí que quan va arribar es comunicava quasi amb signes (i vos hem de dir que nosaltres alguna vegada també), i sabeu què? No passa res, al mes i poc ja teníem conversacions bàsiques, tot allí es millora, tant les habilitats com també la forma de veure la vida. Així que no tingueu por, no deixeu perdre aquesta oportunitat, és una experiència que no oblidareu mai.

També teníem pena per no saber si alguna vegada tornaríem a veure totes les persones en qui havíem creat una gran amistat, i vos assegurem que sempre tindran un lloc al nostre cor, perquè gràcies a ells ha sigut una experiència inoblidable, i sempre els recordarem per acompanyar-nos en aquesta aventura.

Sabeu que tenen les coses bones, no? Que sempre s’acaben. Això sí, en arribar a Espanya va ser una sorpresa. Ningú sabia que tornàvem i que havíem avançat el vol, ni les amigues, ni els familiars, ni tan sols els professors…

Quan vam arribar de cop a casa, la cara que posaven els pares, germans… No s’ho podien creure, ja estàvem a casa, estàvem allí davant dels seus ulls, però també hem de dir que ni nosaltres ens ho creiem que ja estàvem a Espanya. I el millor? Que tot està en el seu lloc… Tot en el lloc on ho vas deixar, res havia canviat. Bé si, nosaltres havíem canviat, aquesta experiència ens ha ajudat a madurar, a créixer, a conèixer-nos a nosaltres mateixos, tornàvem a casa molt contents.

El que vos fa por és l’idioma? Doncs lleveu-vos eixe pensament, per què nosaltres també teníem eixa por, i al final acabes entenen-te, acabes millorant l’idioma i la gent intenta sempre ajudar-te. Hem conegut gent allí que quan va arribar es comunicava quasi amb signes (i vos hem de dir que nosaltres alguna vegada també), i sabeu què? No passa res, al mes i poc ja teníem conversacions bàsiques, tot allí es millora, tant les habilitats com també la forma de veure la vida. Així que no tingueu por, no deixeu perdre aquesta oportunitat, és una experiència que no oblidareu mai.

Per a nosaltres ha sigut una experiència molt bonica que tampoc, mai en la vida, oblidarem.

Malta Erasmus+ Internships

Edgar Granell, Patricia Solsona and Anna Esteller.

As some of you already know, we are Edgar, Patricia and Anna, 3 students of Administration and Finance who were the lucky ones, and were able to enjoy the Erasmus+ experience this academic year 2021-22.

At the beginning, when we were given the option of going on Erasmus, none of us had considered doing an internship abroad, but as the days went by, it became increasingly clear to us that we didn’t want to miss out an opportunity that only happens once in a lifetime. So, when they gave us the news, we were very happy, and we chose Malta as our destination. They tell you that you’re going to a beautiful island for two months, to live a lot of experiences and learn to work on what you’ve studied, in a different language and with colleagues you already know. Nothing could go wrong, but in our case, when we had to leave our home, where we lived with all the comforts, which was our comfort zone where we were used to living; it was difficult, it was a big change. There, we no longer had our family to help us with any problem; they weren’t there physically, however, we talked to them online. At the same time, we also had the support of Ana and Vicent who provided us with the help we needed in the best possible way and without asking for anything in return.

We will never forget the moment when we took the plane to Malta. We had been the previous days without sleeping, with all the final exams and that combination of emotions that we felt knowing that those were the last days in Spain. On 2nd March, we said goodbye to our family and friends. We were scared to undertake this adventure because, in our case, it was all new; but at the same time, we were excited to start that journey. We arrived in Malta at midday, and the first week we lived in an Airbnb house that we had booked in the Pietà area for a week.

We immediately realised that everything was different. We had a different perspective of Malta from the one we actually found there. Everything was very different from Spain. At that moment, we realised what a step forward we had taken. It was when we woke up from the dream we had had, and we had a glimpse of reality. The people, the culture, the customs, the streets…, everything was different.

The first two weeks were very hard. You miss your friends, your family…, and maybe for some of you, the first weeks will also be hard if you go on Erasmus because you have to adapt to a new country, the language, the homesickness, the feeling of living in an independent way…

The rest of the stay there was incredible because in the residence where we lived the rest of the time, there were two Spanish guys and we became very good friends and made all our plans together.

In the company where we did our internship, they integrated us in the best way they could have done. We were more and more comfortable every day, we met a lot of people, and they made everything very easy for us.

However, it wasn’t all studying and training. We also went to parties, visited beaches and incredible places that Malta has to offer. We arrived at the residence and played music, and danced around the kitchen while we were preparing dinner with our flatmates.

But what happens when you have to go back? We had never felt like that before. It was happiness and sadness at the same time. We wanted to go back home, but at the same time we didn’t want to leave all that we had built such as the new friends and the comforts we had achieved during the two months. We were used to living there.

We were also sad because we didn’t know if we would ever see again all the people with whom we had made a great friendship, and we assure you that they will always have a place in our hearts because thanks to them it has been an unforgettable experience, and we will always remember them for accompanying us on this adventure.

Do you know what happens with good things, don’t you? They always come to an end. Of course, arriving in Spain was a surprise. Nobody knew that we were coming back, and that we had advanced our flight; neither our friends nor our relatives, not even our teachers…

When we arrived home, the face of our parents, brothers and sisters…. was of surprise. They couldn’t believe it. We were at home. We were there in front of their eyes, but we also have to say that even we didn’t believe that we were already in Spain. And the best thing? That everything was in its place. Everything was where you had left it. Nothing had changed. Well yes, we had changed. This experience has helped us to mature, to grow, to know ourselves. We returned home very happy.

Are you worried about the language? Well, forget that thought because we were also scared about it, and in the end you end up understanding people, you end up improving the language and people always try helping you. We met people there who, when they arrived, communicated almost in sign language (and we have to tell you that we sometimes did it too), and do you know what? It doesn’t matter, after a little over a month, we already had basic conversations. Everything there improves, both skills and the way of watching life. So, don’t be afraid, don’t miss this opportunity. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.

Edgar Granell, Patricia Solsona and Anna Esteller.

As some of you already know, we are Edgar, Patricia and Anna, 3 students of Administration and Finance who were the lucky ones, and were able to enjoy the Erasmus+ experience this academic year 2021-22.

At the beginning, when we were given the option of going on Erasmus, none of us had considered doing an internship abroad, but as the days went by, it became increasingly clear to us that we didn’t want to miss out an opportunity that only happens once in a lifetime. So, when they gave us the news, we were very happy, and we chose Malta as our destination. They tell you that you’re going to a beautiful island for two months, to live a lot of experiences and learn to work on what you’ve studied, in a different language and with colleagues you already know. Nothing could go wrong, but in our case, when we had to leave our home, where we lived with all the comforts, which was our comfort zone where we were used to living; it was difficult, it was a big change. There, we no longer had our family to help us with any problem; they weren’t there physically, however, we talked to them online. At the same time, we also had the support of Ana and Vicent who provided us with the help we needed in the best possible way and without asking for anything in return.

We will never forget the moment when we took the plane to Malta. We had been the previous days without sleeping, with all the final exams and that combination of emotions that we felt knowing that those were the last days in Spain. On 2nd March, we said goodbye to our family and friends. We were scared to undertake this adventure because, in our case, it was all new; but at the same time, we were excited to start that journey. We arrived in Malta at midday, and the first week we lived in an Airbnb house that we had booked in the Pietà area for a week.

We immediately realised that everything was different. We had a different perspective of Malta from the one we actually found there. Everything was very different from Spain. At that moment, we realised what a step forward we had taken. It was when we woke up from the dream we had had, and we had a glimpse of reality. The people, the culture, the customs, the streets…, everything was different.

The first two weeks were very hard. You miss your friends, your family…, and maybe for some of you, the first weeks will also be hard if you go on Erasmus because you have to adapt to a new country, the language, the homesickness, the feeling of living in an independent way…

The rest of the stay there was incredible because in the residence where we lived the rest of the time, there were two Spanish guys and we became very good friends and made all our plans together.

In the company where we did our internship, they integrated us in the best way they could have done. We were more and more comfortable every day, we met a lot of people, and they made everything very easy for us.

However, it wasn’t all studying and training. We also went to parties, visited beaches and incredible places that Malta has to offer. We arrived at the residence and played music, and danced around the kitchen while we were preparing dinner with our flatmates.

But what happens when you have to go back? We had never felt like that before. It was happiness and sadness at the same time. We wanted to go back home, but at the same time we didn’t want to leave all that we had built such as the new friends and the comforts we had achieved during the two months. We were used to living there.

We were also sad because we didn’t know if we would ever see again all the people with whom we had made a great friendship, and we assure you that they will always have a place in our hearts because thanks to them it has been an unforgettable experience, and we will always remember them for accompanying us on this adventure.

Do you know what happens with good things, don’t you? They always come to an end. Of course, arriving in Spain was a surprise. Nobody knew that we were coming back, and that we had advanced our flight; neither our friends nor our relatives, not even our teachers…

When we arrived home, the face of our parents, brothers and sisters…. was of surprise. They couldn’t believe it. We were at home. We were there in front of their eyes, but we also have to say that even we didn’t believe that we were already in Spain. And the best thing? That everything was in its place. Everything was where you had left it. Nothing had changed. Well yes, we had changed. This experience has helped us to mature, to grow, to know ourselves. We returned home very happy.

Are you worried about the language? Well, forget that thought because we were also scared about it, and in the end you end up understanding people, you end up improving the language and people always try helping you. We met people there who, when they arrived, communicated almost in sign language (and we have to tell you that we sometimes did it too), and do you know what? It doesn’t matter, after a little over a month, we already had basic conversations. Everything there improves, both skills and the way of watching life. So, don’t be afraid, don’t miss this opportunity. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.

For us, it has been a beautiful experience that we will never forget.


Durant l’any 2020 l’IES MAESTRAT va gestionar 3 beques per a alumnat de les convocatòries Erasmus+ dels anys 2018 i 2019. Amb aquestes ajudes es pretén que els i les estudiants del cicle d’Administració i Finances puguen realitzar pràctiques formatives (FCT) en empreses d’arreu d’Europa, ampliant el currículum i millorant el nivell d’idioma estranger.

L’alumnat que va obtindre beca van ser María Llorens, Kimberlyn Cueva i Miguel Albiol. A continuació us adjuntem l’interessant relat de la seva experiència perquè van viure en primera persona l’inici de la pandèmia en un país estranger.

Vau ser molt valents. Gràcies per fer-nos partícips del què vau viure a Londres.


La meua experiència en tot el que el procés d’Erasmus+ comporta, amb la temporada que ens va tocar a principis de la pandèmia, va ser una muntanya russa d’emocions intensa. En el moment en què nosaltres estàvem buscant la nostra casa per allotjar-nos els tres mesos a Londres, ja havien països cancel·lant els seus Erasmus+, i encara nosaltres vam tindre la sort de poder gaudir al menys de poc més de dos setmanes.

En l’aspecte personal, he de dir que em va donar una mica de ràbia i pena no poder completar l’experiència, ja que per a mi era una cosa que volia fer des de que vaig conèixer la iniciativa, però tot i això van ser dos bones setmanes.L’ambient a l’empresa a la que vam estar sempre va ser bo, i si hi havia algun problema de comunicació, els companys feien el possible perquè ens acabéssim entenent. També la meua tutora m’explicava des d’un principi el millor possible la feina perquè no tinguera massa dubtes i entenguera què estava fent, i això sempre és una cosa que s’agraeix quan estàs aprenent.

Al final, encara que vam ser nosaltres els que vam decidir tornar a casa per la por, i encara que vam tindre poc temps d’oci per gaudir de Londres, va ser una bonica i divertida experiència compartida amb els meus companys, amb els que vaig tindre la sort de compartir casa i empresa.

María Llorens

Hace un año, mis dos compañeros María y Miguel y yo Kim, decidimos aventurarnos en hacer las prácticas correspondientes al curso FP Superior de Administración y Finanzas en Londres. El tema del viaje fue muy divertido y también un poco caótico, porque, parecía un viaje entre amigos. Para mi compañero Miguel, era la primera vez que viajaba en avión, así que, el viaje estaba entretenido. Después, de unas horas hicimos escala en Frankfurt, en ese momento nos recorrimos casi todo el aeropuerto y perdimos el vuelo. Pero pudimos llegar a nuestro destino sin más problemas. Una vez en Londres, me sentía cómoda y contenta, porque, estábamos los tres apoyándonos y ayudándonos en todo momento. La convivencia con mis compañeros fue genial, las dos horas que teníamos de trayecto al trabajo eran agradables, disfrutaba del paisaje. A veces nos tocaba correr porque teníamos que cambiar de tren. El ambiente en la empresa era muy familiar. Son unas personas agradables, simpáticas, con mucho humor. Estuve muy a gusto esas tres semanas aprendiendo en Stratford. Así que, debido al Covid-19, con mucha pena tuvimos que volver a España. Más que nada porque hicimos mucho esfuerzo en organizarnos para poder ir a Londres y disfrutar poco de ello. Para mi es y será una gran experiencia, porque, fue un placer desarrollar todos mis conocimientos en una empresa fuera de España. Te ayuda a salir de tu zona de confort, a conocer gente maravillosa, a practicar y aprender el idioma.

Kimberlyn Cueva

Pràctiques postitulació a Cardiff. E+ 2018.

L’any 2018 ens van concedir a l’institut 3 beques Erasmus+ per a alumnat i 2 per a professorat en el projecte KA103, 2018-1-ES01-KA103-049167. El coordinador de cicles formatius va fer una presentació sobre les possibilitats de fer pràctiques formatives mitjançant programes europeus en l’IES MAESTRAT i, com a resultat, un alumne, Alan Pau, va ser seleccionat per realitzar pràctiques postitulació en el Regne Unit en l’empresa Liberty Living de Cardiff durant 8 mesos (3 becats per Erasmus+) i van quedar pendents 2 beques per realitzar pràctiques FCT en l’empresa Zero Records, en Londres, i 2 job shadowing de 4 dies per a 2 docents en l’institut IGS-Springe (Alemanya) entre el mes de març i maig de 2020. Aquestes quatre darreres mobilitats, tot i ser assignades a alumnat i professorat, van quedar cancel·lades per la crisi del coronavirus. Les alumnes seleccionades, únicament van poder realitzar 15 dies de pràctiques en el mes de març de 2020.

En canvi, Alan Pau, va acabar els estudis de 2n del cicle superior de Formació Professional d’Administració i Finances al juny de 2018 i va realitzar les pràctiques a Cardiff entre el mes d’octubre de 2018 i maig de 2019. Aquest va difondre l’experiència mitjançant un article a la revista del centre i el coordinador de cicles va fer una exposició al claustre per a tot el professorat i al Consell Escolar per a tota la comunitat educativa.composicio alan

Alan ens ha contat sobre la mobilitat que el primer trimestre va ser molt dur. La família amb la que convivia, el menjar tan diferent i els entrebancs amb l’idioma eren motius més que suficients per abandonar el país i tornar a casa.

Però va aguantar. Va canviar de casa i es va traslladar a un pis amb 8 companys i companyes de 5 nacionalitats diferents. Amb el canvi, el que li donava pena era tornar a Vinaròs. Va conèixer molta gent jove, va fer turisme i va aprendre anglés. Ell mateix, en l’article de la revista ens diu:

«Para mi ha sido una experiencia inolvidable y que sin dudarlo volvería a repetir. Tengo que decir que he aprendido muchísimo, pero sobretodo me ha dado madurez como persona.»

I això és Erasmus+.


Postgraduate internships in Cardiff. E + 2018

In 2018, our school was awarded 3 Erasmus + scholarships for students, and 2 for teachers in the project KA103, 2018-1-ES01-KA103-049167. The coordinator of Vocational Training gave a presentation about the possibilities of doing an internship throughout IES MAESTRAT European programmes and as a result, a student, Alan Pau, was selected to do a postgraduate internship in the United Kingdom in the company Liberty Living in Cardiff for 8 months (3 Erasmus + student scholarships), so 2 scholarships were pending for FCT internships in the company Zero Records in London, and 2 job shadowing grants for 2 teachers at IGS -Springe (Germany) for 4 days between March and May 2020. These last four mobilities, despite being assigned to both students and teachers, were cancelled due to the coronavirus crisis. The selected students were only able to do their internship for 15 days in March 2020.

On the other hand, Alan Pau finished the higher level of Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training in June 2018, and did his internship in Cardiff from October 2018 to May 2019. He spread his experience in an article of the school magazine, and the Vocational Training coordinator gave a presentation to the teaching staff and to the School Council for the whole educational community.

Alan told us that the first term of his mobility was very hard. The family he lived with, the food which was so different, and the language barriers were more than enough reason to leave the country and return home.

But he held on. He moved into a flat with 8 flatmates from 5 different nationalities. With this change, he felt very sad when he had to come back to Vinaròs. He met plenty of young people, went sightseeing and learned English. He himself, in the article of the magazine tells us:

“It has been an unforgettable experience for me. I would definitely repeat it. I have to say that I have learned a lot, but above all, it has given me maturity as a person.

And this is Erasmus +.


Descobrim nous països i noves amistats amb Erasmus+: Bulgària i Itàlia.

A l’any 2017 es van concedir al centre 1 beca Erasmus+ per a alumnat i 2 per a professorat en el projecte KA103 (2017-1-ES01-KA103-037140).

L’alumne escollit va ser Mario Ferreres Cabanes, de 2n curs del cicle de Formació Professional d’Administració i Finances. La mobilitat va consistir en la realització de pràctiques formatives (FCT) en una empresa a Sofia, Bulgària, de març a juny de 2018, finançades pel programa europeu Erasmus+. L’experiència per a l’alumne va ser molt positiva. Mai havia viatjat sol a l’estranger i va conèixer la cultura i hàbits d’un país diferent del nostre.

La tutora de pràctiques a Sofia sabia castellà i això va facilitar la integració de Mario en el país. Al pis, compartit, va coincidir amb dos xics italians. Després de 3 setmanes l’alumne va romandre sol al país, perquè l’alumnat italià havia acabat el període de pràctiques.IMG 20180523 120722 opt

Durant l’estada, a banda de realitzar pràctiques administratives a l’empresa, va fer amistats amb altres alumnes Erasmus.

L’alumne va difondre l’experiència mitjançant un escrit, publicat al juny de 2018, a la revista del centre (s’editen 500 exemplars que es reparteixen entre tota la comunitat educativa i el futur alumnat del centre) i una xarrada a l’alumnat de 4t d’ESO i Formació Professional.

Per part del professorat, dues docents del centre, Anna Beltrán i Vicky Alegre, van tindre l’oportunitat de visitar el passat mes de setembre de 2018, l’Institut Tècnic Comercial Estatal Abba Ballini, a Brescia (Itàlia), on van viure una experiència molt enriquidora que hem viscut aquest inici de curs.

L’objectiu era fer un job shadowing, és a dir, un treball d’observació per informar-se com funcionael sistema educatiu en un altre país de la Unió Europea, impulsar projectes d’intercanvi entre dos centres europeus i cercar empreses on el nostre alumnat de cicles puga anar a realitzar les pràctiques formatives.

En aquest centre imparteixen cicles de Formació Professional d’Administració, Finances, Màrqueting, Relacions Internacionals i Turisme. Els estudis de formació professional en una escola tècnica com és Abba Ballini tenen una durada de 5 anys, de manera que els/les alumnes, tenen normalment entre 14 i 19 anys.

Per difondre l’experiència van realitzar un article per a la revista del centre (publicat al juny de 2019) i una xarrada per al claustre del professorat (clica ací per veure la presentació). La direcció del centre va publicar a les xarxes socials i la pàgina web de l’institut, a més de a les webs dels mitjans d’informació comarcals, informació sobre els projectes europeus del centre.Foto de Vicky 4

A continuació adjuntem un extracte de l’article de la revista on, a banda dels objectius aconseguits, són molt importants les relacions humanes entre les persones que participen d’una mobilitat Erasmus+.

«Elena Rocca i Luigina Ruffini, a banda de ser professores d’anglés, són les responsables dels projectes internacionals. Ens van agafar de la mà i ens van acompanyar durant tota la nostra estada… Hi vam compartir classes, idees, projectes, vam visitar empreses i més enllà de tot el tema professional, vam trobar unes col·legues-amigues que ens van obrir les portes de la seua casa i de les seues famílies…

Elena i Luigina, dues professionals apassionades per la feina, i també dues ànimes viatgeres que ens van ensenyar no només com és i com funciona el sistema educatiu italià sinó també el significat de paraules com generositat, entrega, compromís, entusiasme, professionalitat, passió… i més i tot! Elles i tots els companys i amics que ens van presentar van aconseguir que per a nosaltres haja sigut una experiència INOBLIDABLE!

FOTO 6 opt

Com a resultat d’aquest viatge, han sorgit diversos projectes il·lusionadors en els quals els protagonistes sereu vosaltres, els/les alumnes de l’IES Maestrat i esperem que us resulten tan gratificants com ho ha estat per a nosaltres.

El primer d’aquests projectes es tracta d’un intercanvi d’alumnes, és a dir, rebre alumnes d’aquesta escola italiana a les vostres cases durant 3-4 dies, i després, viatjar vosaltres a Brescia a passar uns dies amb aquests.

És, sens dubte, una oportunitat fantàstica que si teniu ocasió… no us podeu perdre!!

Un altre projecte que portem entre mans és que el nostre alumnat de cicles puga fer les pràctiques formatives en una empresa de Brescia. Amb aquest fi, i de la mà de les nostres col·legues, vam visitar diverses empreses, i en concret una d’aquestes ens va semblar molt adient, al tractar-se d’una empresa capdavantera en el seu sector, amb presència a 51 països (4 continents).

Hem tingut una experiència tan positiva que des d’ací, ens agradaria animar-vos a gaudir d’aquest tipus d’oportunitats que avui en dia ens ofereix la oferta formativa.»

 Per veure la promoció a les webs locals i comarcals cliqueu ací.



We discover new countries and new friendships with Erasmus + 2017: Bulgaria and Italy.


In 2017, our school was awarded 1 Erasmus + scholarship for students and 2 for teachers in the KA103 project (2017-1-ES01-KA103-037140).

The selected student was Mario Ferreres Cabanes, in the 2nd year of Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training. The mobility consisted of doing an internship (FCT) in a company in Sofia, Bulgaria, from March to June 2018, funded by the European Erasmus + programme. The experience for the student was very positive. He had never travelled abroad alone before, and he got to know the culture and habits of a country different from ours.

His internship mentor in Sofia knew some Spanish and this facilitated Mario’s integration into the country. He lived in a shared flat with two Italian boys. After 3 weeks, he started living alone because the Italian students had finished their internship.

During his stay, in addition to doing an administrative internship in the company, he made other Erasmus students friends.

The student disseminated his experience through an article, published in June 2018, in the school magazine (500 copies are published and distributed among the whole educational community, and prospective students of the school), and a talk to students in the last level of Compulsory Secondary Education and Vocational Training students.

Regarding teachers, two of our school teachers, Ana Beltrán and Vicky Alegre, had the opportunity to visit Abba Ballini State Technical Commercial School in Brescia (Italy) in September 2018, where they lived a very enriching experience at the beginning of that school year, which we also lived thanks to them.

The aim was to do job shadowing, that is, an observation task to find out how the education system of another country of the European Union works; to promote exchange projects between two European schools, and to look for companies where our Vocational Training students can go to do an internship.

In this school, students can study Vocational Training in Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, International Relations and Tourism. Vocational training studies in a technical school such as Abba Ballini have a duration of 5 years, so students are usually aged 14- 19 years old.

To disseminate their experience, they wrote an article for the school magazine (published in June 2019), and gave a talk to their school teachers (click here). The school management team published information of the school European projects on social media and on the school website, and also on local media websites.

Below there is an excerpt from the magazine article, which shows that the objectives achieved are very important, but also human relationships among people participating in an Erasmus + mobility.

“Elena Rocca and Luigina Ruffini are English teachers, and they are also in charge of international projects. They took us by the hand and accompanied us throughout our stay,… We shared lessons, ideas, projects; we visited companies, and beyond the professional side, we made some colleagues friends who opened the doors of their home and their families,…

Elena and Luigina, two professionals passionate for their job, and also two travelling souls who taught us not only about the Italian education system, but also the meaning of words such as generosity, dedication, commitment, enthusiasm, professionalism, passion…. and a lot more! They- and all of the colleagues and friends that they introduced us- made this experience UNFORGETTABLE!

As a result of this trip, several exciting projects have emerged in which you, the students of IES Maestrat, will be the protagonists, and we hope that you find them as rewarding as they are for us.

The first of these projects is a student exchange, that is, receiving students from this Italian school in your homes for 3-4 days, and then you travel to Brescia to spend a few days with them.

It is, without a doubt, a fantastic opportunity that if you have the chance … you can’t miss!!

Another project we are working on is that our Vocational Training students can do an internship in a company in Brescia. To this aim, and with the help of our colleagues, we visited several companies, and in particular one of them seemed very appropriate as it is a leading company in its sector, with a presence in 51 countries (4 continents).

We have had such a positive experience that from here, we would like to encourage you to enjoy this type of opportunity that the formative offer gives us today. “

To see the promotion on local and regional websites click here.


El nostre primer Erasmus+

Des del dia 1 d’octubre de 2014, l’alumne de l’IES de Sant Mateu, Víctor Tena Marín, titulat superior en el cicle formatiu d’Administració i Finances, realitza pràctiques a l’empresa Valfortec, UK Ltd, en la seu de Reading (Regne Unit). La durada de les pràctiques és de 8 mesos, fins el 31 de maig de 2015 i serveixen per adquirir coneixements d’anglés i de tasques laborals relaciones amb el treball d’administratiu en un entorn internacional.

Reading és una ciutat i una unitat administrativa en el comtat de Berkshire en Anglaterra, Regne Unit. Situada entre els rius Tàmesi i Kennet, la ciutat es troba a mig camí entre Londres i Oxford. Probablement és el centre de negocis més important del sud-est d’Anglaterra, a part de Londres. La majoria de les grans companyies de Gran Bretanya tenen la seva seu en la ciutat en la qual també es troben nombroses multinacionals. És, a més a més, una ciutat universitària amb una destacable comunitat estudiantil.

Aquestes pràctiques s’han realitzat gràcies al projecte Erasmus+ presentat per Amèlia Ferreres i les gestions de Marta Barberá, Susanna Albiol, Amparo Bort, Tica Tàrrega i la direcció del centre públic de l’IES de Sant Mateu. Però, el projecte no hagués estat possible sense la implicació de l’empresa Valfortec UK Ltd, i el personal que hi treballa a Reading (Vicente Martínez, Guillermo Van Koningsloo i Victoria Moreda) i a l’oficina central de Castelló (Maria José Roig i Fidel Roig), que han organitzat l’estada i acollit a Víctor en la seua organització. Aquesta empresa ha construït, en el Regne Unit, instal·lacions solars a les poblacions de Mickleton i Westbury-on-Severn, i Víctor realitza les pràctiques d’administratiu. Les pràctiques estan finançades, parcialment, per la Unió Europea mitjançant el programa Erasmus+ (amb una beca de tres mesos).

   victor4   victor3   victor1  

A més a més, el professor d’Anglés, Carlos Barrachina i el professor Tècnic de Processos de Gestió Administrativa, Vicent Pitarch, han sigut també becats per realitzar una estada de job shadowing durant 4 dies, en aquesta empresa, van portar al centre material en anglés relacionat amb el cicle d’Administració i van difondre la importància de les pràctiques a l’exterior i l’idioma estranger entre l’alumnat, el professorat, les famílies i l’entorn del centre.

victor5        victor6

A la revista de Les Coves Tossal Gros, en la pàgina 22 del seu número 159 de març-abril de 2015, va aparèixer un article sobre l’experiència de Víctor. A continuació us deixem l’enllaç i unes fotografies.


Our first Erasmus+


Since 1st October 2014, the IES Sant Mateu student, Víctor Tena Marín, graduate in High Level Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training, has been doing an internship in the company Valfortec, UK Ltd, at the headquarters of Reading (UK). The duration of the internship is 8 months, until 31st May 2015, and serves to acquire knowledge of the English language, and labour tasks related to administrative work in an international environment.

Reading is a city and an administrative unit in the county of Berkshire in England, United Kingdom. It is situated between the rivers Thames and Kennet; the city is halfway between London and Oxford. It is probably the most important business centre in the south-east of England, apart from London. Most of Britain’s large companies are headquartered in the city, where there are numerous multinationals too. It is also a university city with a remarkable student community.

This internship has been carried out thanks to the Erasmus + project  submitted by Amèlia Ferreres and the efforts of Marta Barberá, Susanna Albiol, Amparo Bort, Tica Tàrrega and the management team of IES de Sant Mateu state school. However, the project would not have been possible without the involvement of the company Valfortec UK Ltd, and the staff working in Reading (Vicente Martínez, Guillermo Van Koningsloo and Victoria Moreda) and in the central office of Castellón (Maria José Roig and Fidel Roig), who organized Victor’s stay and welcomed him in their organization. This company has built solar installations in the towns of Mickleton and Westbury-on-Severn in the United Kingdom, and Victor is doing an administrative internship there. This internship was partially funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + programme (with a three-month scholarship).

In addition, the English teacher, Carlos Barrachina, and the Administrative Management Processes Technical Teacher, Vicent Pitarch, were also awarded a grant to do job shadowing in this company for 4 days . They brought to their school material in English related to Business Administration Vocational Training and disseminated among students, teachers, families and the school surroundings, the importance of internships abroad and of learning a foreign language.

In Les Coves Tossal Gros magazine, on issue 159, March-April 2015, on page 22, there was an article about Victor’s experience. Find it in the link below and some photos.



Our first Erasmus+


Since 1st October 2014, the IES Sant Mateu student, Víctor Tena Marín, graduate in High Level Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training, has been doing an internship in the company Valfortec, UK Ltd, at the headquarters of Reading (UK). The duration of the internship is 8 months, until 31st May 2015, and serves to acquire knowledge of the English language, and labour tasks related to administrative work in an international environment.


Reading is a city and an administrative unit in the county of Berkshire in England, United Kingdom. It is situated between the rivers Thames and Kennet; the city is halfway between London and Oxford. It is probably the most important business centre in the south-east of England, apart from London. Most of Britain’s large companies are headquartered in the city, where there are numerous multinationals too. It is also a university city with a remarkable student community.


This internship has been carried out thanks to the Erasmus + project  submitted by Amèlia Ferreres and the efforts of Marta Barberá, Susanna Albiol, Amparo Bort, Tica Tàrrega and the management team of IES de Sant Mateu state school. However, the project would not have been possible without the involvement of the company Valfortec UK Ltd, and the staff working in Reading (Vicente Martínez, Guillermo Van Koningsloo and Victoria Moreda) and in the central office of Castellón (Maria José Roig and Fidel Roig), who organized Victor’s stay and welcomed him in their organization. This company has built solar installations in the towns of Mickleton and Westbury-on-Severn in the United Kingdom, and Victor is doing an administrative internship there. This internship was partially funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + programme (with a three-month scholarship).

In addition, the English teacher, Carlos Barrachina, and the Administrative Management Processes Technical Teacher, Vicent Pitarch, were also awarded a grant to do job shadowing in this company for 4 days . They brought to their school material in English related to Business Administration Vocational Training and disseminated among students, teachers, families and the school surroundings, the importance of internships abroad and of learning a foreign language.


In Les Coves Tossal Gros magazine, on issue 159, March-April 2015, on page 22, there was an article about Victor’s experience. Find it in the link below and some photos.


CARTA ECHE 2021-2027

The IES Maestrat has been awarded by the European Comission with the quality certificate for the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE 2021-2027)


IES MAESTRAT of Sant Mateu is a secondary school located in Spain, in a rural area in the inner part of the Valencian Community. The population is aged and unemployment affects, above all, to younger people. Students do not consider job search mobilities as being an important factor to reverse this situation. But it is necessary to expand training and employment opportunities in the labour market of the European Union and associated countries as a way of widening students' professional, social and civic knowledge and skills.
On the other hand, the school teaching and non-teaching staff is only 30% stable. In order to attract professionals to our school and to improve their linguistic and professional skills, an internationalization strategy is necessary to continue the modernization process of our institution.
Therefore, since 2014, with the obtainment of the ECHE charter, we have done all the mobility courses and Etwinning projects and, currently, we are part of a consortium, together with other rural primary and secondary schools, coordinated by CEFIRE (the public regional body for teacher training).
As a result, by applying for a new ECHE charter for the period 2021-27, IES MAESTRAT aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To guarantee the professional and personal success of students graduated in the Higher Level of Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training.
  2. To disseminate among students learning and job market opportunities in the European Union and associated countries.
  3. To increase the language level of students and school staff, as well as widen their technical vocabulary.
  4. To improve the quality of teaching and associated management processes.
  5. To promote cooperative relationships with other schools and companies.

In order to achieve the objectives mentioned before, our school will apply for KA1 student mobility projects for internships and staff mobility ones for job shadowing and training, both in countries of the European Union and partners.
These actions are intended for students in the Higher Level of Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training, for the school administration staff, and for Vocational Training teachers of the departments of Administration and Management, Labour Training and Guidance, and English.
In the first month of the academic year (September), our organization appoints a coordinator of International Projects and another coordinator of Vocational Training. They always work in a coordinated way and their main functions are:

  1. Write and present projects to the educational community and on online platforms designed for this purpose.
  2. Plan the calendar, and the number and type of mobilities.
  3. Publicise the calls among all members of the educational community.
  4. Convene and coordinate the meetings of those responsible for selecting the applicants (Heads of departments and the Managing Team of the school)).
  5. Ensure the non-discrimination of the participants in the process, as well as guarantee the transparency of the selection procedure and the publicity of the dissemination of the actions of the Erasmus + programme.
  6. Establish contacts for the organization of the mobilities and plan the needs of language courses for the selected people, if applicable.
  7. Carry out the monitoring of the participants in the mobilities and process the recognition of credits and certificates.
  8. Design and organize promotion and dissemination activities of the Erasmus + programme and of the mobilities carried out.
  9. Disseminate the mobility activities carried out and the Erasmus + programme through the written and / or digital press, the website and social networks.
  10. Prepare an evaluation report of the internationalization activities done.

By carrying out the activities included in the KA1 lines of action, IES MAESTRAT will achieve the objectives of its strategy of internationalization and modernization of the school.
Thus, with the agreements obtained with partner companies and institutions thanks to the previous charter, we will facilitate students’ curricular internships (which can be validated with the Training module in workplaces, FCT, by the Ministry of Education). We will also continue offering students the possibility of doing an internship once they have graduated so that they can incorporate into their curriculum vitae their work experience accumulated in local companies and in companies abroad. This is intended to improve both students’ employability and their language skills in a foreign language.
The mobilities of the school staff are aimed at sharing and acquiring new work methodologies and incorporating other aspects of the curriculum and the didactic programme. They will also allow for establishing new collaboration agreements with other schools and companies, with the multiplier effect of contacts that this entails.
In order to assess the impact of our participation in the Erasmus + programme, the mobilities carried out will be analyzed through an evaluation report based on the following indicators:

  1.  Achieving at least half of the EPS objectives by 2024.
  2. Percentage of mobilities carried out on the number of students and staff with possibilities of participating in the programme. Maintaining a level of not less than 5% between 2021-24 and reach 10% between 2025-27.
  3. Degree of satisfaction of the participants and host partners by conducting a survey (on a scale of 0 to 5, achieving more than 90% of responses between 4-5) when each mobility ends.
  4. Number of dissemination and promotion activities of the programmes carried out. Doing a minimum of 3 activities: presentation, monitoring and assessment of the activities done.
  5. Number of collaboration agreements between the school and its partners. Maintaining at least one annual collaboration with a European school / company between 2021-24, and doubling them between 2025-27.

On the submenus of European Prog tab, you have the summary information of the projects submitted and some photographs of the activities carried out.

For more information click here

CARTA ECHE 2014-2020

A l'any 2012 es presenta a l'IES MAESTRAT un projecte de direcció que aposta, de forma decidida, per la internacionalització del centre. I aquest mateix curs 2012-13, la professora de Formació i Orientació Laboral Amèlia Ferreres, presenta la documentació per sol·licitar la Carta Erasmus d'Educació Superior (carta ECHE) per al període 2014-2020 (cliqueu ací per veure el document).


carta erasmus3


Els objectius d'aquesta carta són:

  1.  Ampliar els horitzons dels/de les estudiants d'un institut rural, aprendre sobre els requeriments del mercat de treball europeu.
  2. Desenvolupar les habilitats i competències del professorat i alumnat de la Formació Professional d'Administració i Finances en una llengua estrangera.

  3. Conèixer l'economia i la cultura d'altres països europeus dels membres de la comunitat educativa.

  4. Adquirir experiència laboral.

  5. Incrementar la cooperació entre instituts, empreses i altres tipus d'organitzacions d'altres països europeus.


Amb l'obtenció de la Carta des de l'any 2014 fins el 2020 (excepte la convocatòria de 2015) s'han

presentat 6 sol·licituds de KA103 per a realitzar mobilitats d'alumnat i professorat en qualsevol país

de la Unió Europea.

Als submenús de la pestanya Prog. Europeus teniu la informació resumida dels projectes presentats i algunes fotografies de les activitats realitzades.




In 2012, IES MAESTRAT management team presented a project which was firmly committed to the internationalization of the school, and this same academic year 2012-13, the teacher of Labour Training and Guidance, Amèlia Ferreres, submitted the documentation to apply for the Erasmus Charter of Higher Education (ECHE charter) for the period 2014-2020 (click here to see the document).

The objectives of this charter are:

  1. To expand the horizons of students of a rural school, and learn about the requirements of the European labour market.

  2. To make teachers and students of Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training develop their skills and competences in a foreign language.

  3. To get to know the economy and culture of other European countries from members of the educational community.

  4. To gain work experience.

  5. To increase cooperation between schools, companies and other types of organizations in other European countries.

With the obtainment of the Charter from 2014 to 2020 (except the 2015 Call), 6 application forms of KA103 have been submitted to carry out mobilities of students and teachers in any country of the European Union.

On the submenus of European Prog tab, you have the summary information of the projects submitted and some photographs of the activities carried out.

Erasmus+ a l’institut Horizon Community College

L’IES MAESTRAT va sol·licitar l’any 2016 el projecte KA103 2016-1-ES01-KA103-024856, el qual va consistir en un jobshadowing de 4 dies per a 2 professores a l’Horizon Community College, Barnsley (Regne Unit). Aquesta iniciativa ha estat subvencionada per la Unió Europea en el marc d’Eramus+.

Els objectius d’aquesta activitat era que les docents pogueren aprendre sobre l’ús de les noves tecnologies en els ensenyaments de Formació Professional, altres maneres d’organització de l’alumnat de cicles formatius i el funcionament de la gestió de les pràctiques formatives al Regne Unit.

Una vegada concedit el projecte, per organitzar-lo, es van seguir els següents passos:

 1.- Realització d’una xarrada sobre les beques Erasmus+ i l’FCT Europa de la Conselleria d’Educació per a alumnat i per a professorat.

 2.- Presentació dels calendaris de les sol·licituds per a participar en el programa.

 3.- Reunió del departament d’Anglés, de Formació Professioal i direcció del centre educatiu per resoldre la concessió de les beques al professorat.

 4.- Organització de les visites al centre anglés i de l’atenció a l’alumnat de l’IES MAESTRAT.

 5.- Difusió de la mobilitat en el Consell Escolar i al claustre del professorat20170620 115006

Les professores seleccionades, Ángela Primo i Javiera Collado, van visitar el centre Horizon Community College entre el 20 i el 24 de març de 2017. El resultat de la visita es va exposar al claustre del professorat de l’IES MAESTRAT el 21 de juny d’aquest any.

A la presentació, entre altres, van informar sobre el grau de consecució dels objectius del job shadowing: 

  1. Hem après la gestió i control de les pràctiques de formació professional en un institut del Regne Unit.

  2. No hem signat cap conveni de col·laboració entre l’institut d’acollida però el centre ens ajudarà a trobar una empresa.

  3. Hem observat i après altres metodologies i noves idees de l’ensenyament i aprenentatge; intercanvi de bones practiques i compartir diferents enfocaments educatius.
  4. Hem proposat la idea de fer intercanvis d’estudiants entre instituts.
  5. Hem estudiat el mercat laboral del Regne Unit.

 A continuació us deixem l’enllaç a la presentació que es va realitzar 

Erasmus+ Barnsley


Erasmus+ at Horizon Community College

In 2016, IES MAESTRAT applied for the project KA103 2016-1-ES01-KA103-024856, which consisted of 4-day job shadowing for 2 teachers at Horizon Community College, Barnsley (UK) ). This initiative was funded by the European Union through Eramus +.

The objectives of this activity were that teachers learnt about the use of new technologies in Vocational Training, about other ways of organizing Vocational Training students, and about the management of internships in the United Kingdom.

Once the project was granted, it was organised according to the following steps: 

1.- Giving a talk to teachers and students about Erasmus + scholarships and FCT Europe ones of  the Ministry of Education.

2.- Presentation of the calendars to apply for these programmes.

3.- Meetings of the English Department, the Vocational Training Department and the school management team to resolve the concession of the teachers’ scholarships.

4.- Organization of the visits to the English school and the attention to IES MAESTRAT students.

5.- Dissemination of the mobility to the School Council and teaching staff.

The selected teachers, Ángela Primo and Javiera Collado, visited Horizon Community College from 20th- 24th March 2017. The result of the visit was presented to IES MAESTRAT teaching staff on 21st June of the same year.

In the presentation, they informed us about the degree of achievement of their job shadowing objectives:

  1. We have learned about internship management and control in a UK college.

  2. We have not signed a collaboration agreement with the host college, but they will help us find a company.

  3. We have done observation and learned about other methodologies and new teaching – learning ideas; we have also shared good practices and different educational approaches.

  4. We have proposed the idea of prospective student exchanges between both schools.

  5. We have studied the UK labour market.

On the link below, you can see their presentation.

Erasmus+ Barnsley




etwinning, final essay


Analysis of eating habits

By: Èrik Artigas Reverter


In this essay we are going to analyse the results of the survey on eating habits, comparing our eating habits with those of the older generation from a healthy point of view, considering both the social and historical context, and we are also going to write about how we could improve our diet to be healthier, and will reflect on the importance of eating healthily. We are going to focus on our Mediterranean diet and our traditional cuisine.

1) Evolution of eating habits during youth

About 400 elders and teenagers have been surveyed about their youth because we wanted to know how our eating habits have changed from the Civil War to nowadays.

First, we analyzed eating habits after the Civil War. We observed that the food was scarce and little diverse. So, we could observe that there were a lot of cases of undernourishment inasmuch as there was just oil, rice, pulses and bread. Therefore, the government established a rationing system.
But that wasn’t enough, so people had to go to the black market ( estraperlo ) and/or exchange food with other farmers. In addition, families had to increase the number of children.
Secondly, we analyzed eating habits nowadays.
We observed that the cheapening of food has ended with undernourishment. Also, we observed that the cheapening of food and the social pressure have produced an increase in cases of obesity and anorexia.
During all this time, the globalization and the economic improvement of the country have caused an increase in the number of times people eat per day and in the number of children per family.
In conclusion, we’ve understood that we have just changed one problem for another.

2) How can we improve our diet? Why?

If we want to improve our diet we should prioritize proximity products ( no globalization ).
We also shouldn’t eat any prefabricated products because they have strange substances which can’t be digested by us.
Finally, we should prioritize the Mediterranean diet which is composed mainly of vegetables and fruits, that is, reduce the consumption of meat and fish.
If we don’t do it, all of us could become obese, have heart attacks . . .

3) What’s the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean climate allows us to grow a great variety of vegetables and fruits.
So, the Mediterranean diet is undoubtedly the most complete and varied diet in the world.
The most important element of this diet is ‘olive oil’ because it has simple fats which are better than the rest. In fact, scientific studies have shown that olive oil reduces the chances of suffering from cardiovascular disease or obesity. To sum up, the Mediterranean diet consists of a lot of fruit and vegetables, olive oil, blue fish and a bit of wine.

In conclusion, we could say that in the past people had to make an effort to eat because food was scarce, and nowadays we have to make an effort to eat healthily because there is a lot of junk food. We must be aware of the fact that eating healthy is very important to feel good, be happy and, of course, live for many years. We should take it seriously. It’s really worth.