Erasmus+ 2019. Pràctiques i jobshadowing en temps de COVID

L’any 2019 ens van concedir a l’institut 1 beca Erasmus+ per a alumnat i 2 per a professorat en el projecte KA103, 2019-1-ES01-KA103-062243. El coordinador de cicles formatius va fer una presentació sobre les possibilitats de fer pràctiques formatives mitjançant programes europeus en l’IES MAESTRAT i, com a resultat, un alumne, Miguel Albiol, va ser seleccionat per realitzar pràctiques FCT en el Regne Unit en l’empresa Zero Records, en Londres, entre el mes de març i maig de 2020 i 2 job shadowing de 4 dies per a 2 docents en Sicília.


Erasmus+ 2019. Internships and jobshadowing in COVID times



In 2019, our school was awarded 1 Erasmus + scholarships for students and 2 for teachers in the project KA103, 2019-1-ES01-KA103-062243. The coordinator of Vocational Training gave a presentation about the possibilities of doing an internship through IES MAESTRAT European programmes and as a result, a student, Miguel Albiol, was selected to do a FCT internship in the United Kingdom in the company Zero Records, in London, from March to May 2020, and 2 teachers received 2 job shadowing grants for 4 days, whose in Sicily.


Pràctiques a Londres

Miguel Albiol.

Ciclo formativo de Grado superior de Administración y Finanzas.

En el año 2019 se me concedió una beca Erasmus+ por 3 meses para realizar prácticas formativas (FCT) en Londres a partir de marzo de 2020, mes en el que finalizaba mis estudios teóricos de Administración y Finanzas en el IES MAESTRAT. Mi movilidad se incluyó en la convocatoria KA-103 de 2019, junto con 2 actividades de observación del profesorado de ciclos de Administración y Gestión.

Así que en marzo, 2 alumnas de mi curso y yo, partimos para el Reino Unido. Al irnos de casa estábamos nerviosos porque era todo nuevo para nosotros. Teníamos que coger dos vuelos para llegar al Reino Unido, de Valencia a Frankfurt y de aquí a Londres. Tuvimos la mala pata de perder este último vuelo ya que los horarios eran muy ajustados y no llegamos a tiempo, pero con suerte cogimos uno igual pero unas horas más tarde.

Al llegar tuvimos tiempo de acomodarnos y ver la zona donde estábamos. Y durante el corto periodo que estuvimos también pudimos hacer algo de turismo y asisitir a un partido de fútbol, el Chelsea- Everton

La empresa donde realicé las prácticas se dedicaba gestionar los alquileres a personas con dificultades económicas. Cada uno teníamos trabajos diversos con tutores diferentes. Yo, en principio, me ocupaba de ir casa por casa a revisar los desperfectos y anotarlos para poder darles una solución lo antes posible. Mientras, Kim y María llevaban la contabilidad de la empresa junto a otra tutora.

A partir del 15 de marzo la cosa se complicó. Nuestras familias estaban preocupadas por el COVID y finalmente, decidimos cancelar las prácticas y volver a España. Apenas estuvimos en el lugar de trabajo, pero la seguridad era lo principal. Desde la casa donde estábamos alojados tardábamos una hora en llegar a la empresa y, además, teníamos que hacer transbordo entre autobuses llenos de gente sin mascarilla.

Aún así, y quitando lo caro que es la vida en el Reino Unido, yo personalmente repetiría la movilidad, ya que me quedé con ganas de más Erasmus. Por mucho que fuese corto el tiempo que estuvimos fue una experiencia inolvidable, donde conocimos mundo, idioma y culturas diferentes.


Miguel Albiol. Higher Level Administration and Finance Vocational Training.

In 2019 I was awarded an Erasmus+ grant for 3 months to carry out a training internship (FCT) in London from March 2020 on, that was the month I finished my theoretical studies of Administration and Finance in IES MAESTRAT. My mobility was included in the KA-103 call of 2019, together with 2 job shadowing activities for teachers of Administration and Management Vocational Training.

So in March, 2 students from my class and I left for the UK. When we left home, we were nervous because everything was new to us. We had to take two flights to get to the UK, from Valencia to Frankfurt and from there to London. We had the misfortune of missing the latter flight as the schedules were very tight and we didn’t make it on time, but luckily we caught the same flight but a few hours later.

When we arrived, we had time to settle in and see the area we were in, and during the short period of time we were there, we could also do some sightseeing and attend a Chelsea-Everton football match.

The company where I did my internship was in charge of managing rentals for people with financial difficulties. Each of us had different jobs with different mentors. In principle, I was in charge of going from house to house to check for damages and write them down so that they could be solved as soon as possible. In the meantime, Kim and Maria kept the company’s accounts with another mentor.From 15 March on, things got complicated. Our families were worried about COVID and finally, we decided to cancel the internship and return to Spain. We were a very short time in the workplace, but security was the main issue. It took us an hour to get to the company from the house where we were staying, and we also had to take different buses full of people without masks.

Even so, and apart from how expensive life is in the UK, I would personally repeat the mobility as I was left wanting more Erasmus. Even though the time we spent there was short, it was an unforgettable experience where we learn about the world, the language and different cultures.

Jobshadowing en Sicília

Josep Morera i Micaela Chaveli.

Professors tècnics d’Administració i Gestió.

El passat maig de 2022 dos professors d’FP del departament d’Administració i Gestió, Micaela Chaveli i Josep Morera, vam participar en una activitat de JobShadowing dins del marc dels programes Erasmus+ destinats al professorat.

En concret, vam poder observar el funcionament d’un institut de secundària a l’illa de Sicília, a Itàlia. Es tracta del centre d’Educació Secundària i Formació Professional “C.M. CARAFA” a les localitats de Mazzarino i Riesi, regió de Caltanisseta.

Mazzarino és un poble de 11.000 habitants. L’economia del poble és sobretot agrària i els seus principals cultius són el blat i les olives. També està present la ramaderia. El poble està aproximadament a 30km de la mar, entre muntanyes. Un poble amb característiques prou similars a les de Sant Mateu.

Respecte al centre educatiu, vam estar quatre dies convivint amb l’alumnat i el professorat del centre. Les diferències bàsiques en el model educatiu nostre consisteixen en que l’alumnat ha de triar més prompte el camí que més s’adapta a les seues característiques. Així, hi ha itineraris d’ESO més acadèmics, de ciències, lingüístiques… i itineraris d’ESO més professionalitzats, com ara d’agràries o d’administratiu. És a dir, com una espècie de FP bàsica però des de l’inici de la etapa secundària. Altres diferències destacades es que el dissabte també es considera lectiu, però durant la setmana l’alumnat està menys hores al centre educatiu. En definitiva, vam poder comparar els dos models educatius.

Vam compartir temps amb diferents grups del centre educatiu, i especialment en les classes d’espanyol. On els alumnes van poder practicar els seus coneixements de castellà amb nosaltres. Allí vam poder mostrar-los imatges de Sant Mateu i explicar-li com és el poble i la comarca.L’equip directiu i docent del centre, així com el nostre enllaç al centre, Maria Rita Caracappa, ens van acollir d’allò més bé. Ens van ensenyar el poble i altres punts d’interès pròxims a l’illa de Sicília. Vam poder comprovar com la forma de ser i el caràcter del sud d’Itàlia i el nostre són molt pareguts. Cosa que es veu també reflectida en les festes o en la gastronomia. Com diu la frase aquella, es pot dir que “valencians i sicilians, cosins germans”.

Jobshadowing in Sicily

Josep Morera and Micaela Chaveli. Technical teachers of Administration and Management.

Last May 2022, two Vocational Training teachers from the Department of Administration and Management, Micaela Chaveli and Josep Morera, took part in a Job Shadowing activity as part of the Erasmus+ programs for teachers.

Specifically, we were able to observe the functioning of a secondary school on the island of Sicily, in Italy. It is “C.M. CARAFA” secondary and vocational training school in Mazzarino and Riesi, in the region of Caltanisseta.

Mazzarino is a town of 11.000 inhabitants. The village’s economy is mainly agricultural and its main crops are wheat and olives. Livestock farming is also present. The village is approximately 30km away from the sea, between mountains. A village with characteristics very similar to those of Sant Mateu.

Regarding the school, we spent four days with students and teachers. The basic differences with our educational model are that students there have to choose earlier the path that best suits their characteristics. Thus, there are secondary education itineraries which are more academic: scientific, linguistic, … and others which are more professionalized, such as agriculture or administration, that is to say, like a kind of Basic Vocational Training, but they choose that from the beginning of the Secondary Education stage. Other notable differences are that Saturday is also considered to be a school day, but during the week students spend fewer hours at school. In short, we could compare both educational models.

We shared time with different groups of the school, specially in Spanish lessons where students could practice their knowledge of Spanish with us. There, we were able to show them pictures of Sant Mateu and explain what the town and the region are like.

The school’s management and teaching staff, as well as our school contact, Maria Rita Caracappa, welcomed us warmly. They showed us around the town and other places of interest near the island of Sicily. We could notice that the way of being and the character of people in the south of Italy are very similar to ours. Something that is also reflected in the festivities and in the gastronomy. As the saying goes, it can be said that: “The Valencian and the Sicilian, cousin brothers”.