Erasmus+ 2021 en Brescia

Joan Vidal Sogues. Alumno 2n CFG Superior Administración y Finanzas.

Dirección Italia

No fui consciente de que me iba yo solito a Italia, hasta que estaba subido en el avión dirección a Milán, sin entender ninguna palabra de lo que hablaba la gente que tenía al lado. Gracias al profesorado del IES Maestrat pude participar en el programa “Erasmus +” en la ciudad de Brescia. La Italia de las películas se iba a convertir en mi casa durante los próximos dos meses y no me había mentalizado. La oportunidad de vivir esta experiencia, de hacer mis prácticas formativas en el extranjero, prometía muchísimo. A continuación, compartiré algunas de las experiencias más destacadas de mi viaje.

Llegada a Brescia: La Ciudad de la Cultura 2023

Al aterrizar en el aeropuerto de Orio al Serio, me sentí superperdido, ya que no hablaba el idioma y no sabía dónde estaba ni dónde iba. Los primeros días fueron de descubrimiento y adaptación. Solo llegar a Brescia conocí a dos chicos que me indicaron cómo ir a mi hotel. Al día siguiente me fui a explorar toda la ciudad, desde los monumentos romanos, pasando por la zona de tiendas hasta los callejones con acogedores bares y restaurantes. Tras recorrer gran parte de la ciudad, encontré una tienda de gastronomía siciliana en la que comí estupendamente. Más tarde, fui a devolver las llaves de mi habitación del hotel porque ya tenía un piso donde establecerme.

Llegada a la empresa

A los pocos días de llegar, entré en la empresa OMB SALERI S.P.A., una empresa dedicada a la producción de válvulas y elementos metálicos para la industria del automóvil. Tras recibirme con los brazos abiertos y enseñarme todo lo que era y hacía la empresa me asignaron un puesto de trabajo en el departamento de ventas con cuatro compañeras estupendas y un jefe de departamento muy enrollado. En la empresa, me ofrecieron la oportunidad de realizar clases de inglés durante horas de trabajo, las cuales no rechacé. También me dejaron una bici eléctrica para ir de casa a la empresa y volver. La gente de la empresa era muy amable, todos me saludaban y me daban la bienvenida. En el trabajo no tuve ninguna queja. Stefano, mi jefe, me mandaba lo que tenía que hacer, me enseñaba como quería que lo hiciera y, en caso de duda, preguntaba a Genny o a Linda, las compañeras con las que más amistad hice. Realicé distintas tareas como contactar con clientes potenciales del mercado sudamericano, realizar análisis de situación de empresas, contestar llamadas telefónicas y enviar ofertas a clientes.

Explorando el norte de Italia y Europa

Brescia se me hizo pequeña en pocos días, por lo que decidí viajar a varias ciudades para conocer más sobre este país. Primero, viajé a Venecia con un compañero de trabajo, luego visité pueblos cercanos como Verona y el Lago de Garda. De repente, llegó Pascua y tenía 5 días de fiesta, los cuales aproveché para irme de viaje a Bruselas y Ámsterdam con un amigo. Al finalizar ese viaje, fui a Milán porque me venía de paso y, sin duda, fue el mejor destino de todos.

Un poco de español por Italia

A las tres semanas de estar allí, conocí a un grupo de estudiantes españoles con los que hice amistad. También vinieron a verme mis amigos de toda la vida (con los que me fui a Milán). También vinieron Aitana y Ana, dos profesoras de mi instituto con las que fuimos a ver monumentos y a tomar algo por las calles de Brescia.

Inmersión Cultural y Aprendizaje del Idioma

Aprender italiano fue más fácil de lo que pensaba, ya que al estar casi todos los días escuchando hablar a mis compañeros de trabajo, cada día aprendía unas cuantas palabras más. También empecé a ver series y escuchar música en italiano, lo que me facilitó el aprendizaje, que para dos meses que estuve creo que fue muy bueno.


Mi movilidad Erasmus en el norte de Italia ha sido una muy buena experiencia en mi vida. Me permitió crecer académica, cultural y personalmente. La oportunidad de conocer gente diferente, aprender un nuevo idioma y explorar lugares impresionantes hizo que este viaje fuera único. Me hubiera gustado quedarme.

English version

Joan Vidal Sogues. Student of Business Management and Finance

On the way to Italy

I didn’t realise that I was going to Italy on my own until I was on the plane to Milan, and I didn’t understand a word of what the people next to me were saying. Thanks to the teaching staff of IES Maestrat, I was able to take part in the “Erasmus +” programme in the city of Brescia. The Italy of films was going to become my home for the next two months, and I had not prepared myself for that. The opportunity to live this experience of doing my internship abroad promised a lot. Below, I will share some of the most outstanding experiences of my trip.

Arrival in Brescia: The City of Culture 2023

When I landed at Orio al Serio airport, I felt really lost as I didn’t speak the language, and I didn’t know where I was or where I was going. The first days were a time of discovery and adaptation. As soon as I arrived in Brescia, I met two guys who showed me how to get to my hotel. The next day, I went to explore the whole city: the Roman monuments, the shopping area, and the alleys with cosy bars and restaurants. After wandering around much of the city, I found a Sicilian food shop where I had a great meal. Later, I went to return the keys of my hotel room as I already had a flat to move into.

Arrival at the company

A few days after my arrival, I went to OMB SALERI S.P.A., a company dedicated to the production of valves and metal parts for the automotive industry. After welcoming me with open arms and showing me what the company was and what it did, I was assigned a job in the Sales Department with four wonderful colleagues, and a very friendly head of department. In the company, they offered me the opportunity to take English lessons during working hours, which I did not refuse. They also gave me an electric bike to go from home to the company and back. The people in the company were very friendly. They all greeted me and welcomed me. At work, I had no complaints at all. Stefano, my boss, told me what I had to do, showed me how he wanted me to do it, and in case of doubt, I asked Genny or Linda, the colleagues with whom I made the most friends. I carried out different tasks such as contacting potential clients in the South American market, analysing the situation of companies, answering phone calls, and sending offers to clients.

Exploring Northern Italy and Europe

Brescia became too small for me in a few days, so I decided to travel to several cities to learn more about this country. First, I visited Venice with a workmate, then I visited nearby towns like Verona and Lake Garda. Suddenly, Easter arrived, and I had 5 holiday days, which I used to go on a trip to Brussels and Amsterdam with a friend. At the end of that trip, I visited Milan because I was passing through, and without a doubt, it was the best destination of all.

A bit of Spanish in Italy

Three weeks after being there, I met a group of Spanish students, and we made friends. Besides, my lifelong friends (the ones I went to Milan with) visited me, and Aitana and Ana, two teachers from my high school, also came, and we went sightseeing and had something to eat in the streets of Brescia.

Cultural Immersion and Language Learning

Learning Italian was easier than I thought it would be. As I was almost every day listening to my workmates talking, I learned a few more words each day. I also started to watch series and listen to music in Italian, which made it easier for me to learn the language, and for the two months I was there, I think my learning was pretty good.


My Erasmus mobility in Northern Italy has been a very good experience in my life. It allowed me to grow academically, culturally and personally. The opportunity to meet different people, learn a new language and explore amazing places made this trip unique. I didn’t want to leave.

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Erasmus+ 2021 (Norway)

Del 4 al 8 de setembre de 2023, dues professores de l’IES Maestrat vam tindre l’oportunitat de viatjar a Noruega, gràcies al programa Erasmus +, per visitar diversos centres educatius i empreses de la zona de More and Romsdal, un dels onze comptats del país noruec.

Va ser una visita molt interessant perquè vam poder aprendre sobre el funcionament del sistema educatiu noruec, especialment la formació professional, i la seva relació en el món laboral. A més a més, vam poder establir llaços per a projectes futurs com, per exemple, pràctiques formatives de l’alumnat.

Vam quedar meravellades del país, de la seva cultura i de la seva gent, doncs ens van acollir d’allò més bé. La veritat és que va ser una experiència molt enriquidora.

➡️ Exposició resum del viatge a Ålesund (Norway 🇳🇴)

English version

From the 4th to the 8th of September, two teachers from IES Maestrat High School had the opportunity to travel to Norway thanks to the Erasmus + programme. We visited several companies and upper secondary schools with vocational programmes in the area of More and Romsdal, one of the eleven counties of the Norwegian country.

It was a very interesting visit because we were able to learn about the Norwegian education system, especially vocational training, and how it is related to the labour world. Furthermore, we managed to establish contacts for future projects, such as students’ internships.

We were fascinated by the country, its culture and its people. In fact, they were excellent hosts. It was a very enriching experience for us.

Pràctiques Erasmus+ a Malta

Com alguns ja sabeu, vam ser Egard, Patricia i Anna, 3 estudiants d’Administració i Finances, els afortunats, que vam poder gaudir de l’experiència Erasmus+ aquest curs 2021-22.

Al principi quan ens van donar l’opció d’anar d’Erasmus cap dels 3 ens havíem plantejant fer pràctiques formatives a l’estranger, però van passar els dies i cada vegada ho teníem més clar, no volíem deixar escapar una oportunitat que sols passa una vegada en la vida. Així que quan ens van donar la notícia tot van ser alegries i vam escollir Malta com a destí. Et diuen que vas a una illa preciosa durant dos mesos a viure moltes experiències i aprendre a treballar del que has estudiat, en un altre idioma i amb els companys que ja coneixes. Res podia sortir malament. Però en el nostre cas, quan va arribar el moment de sortir de casa, en la qual vivíem amb totes les comoditats, en aquella que era la nostra zona de confort on estàvem acostumats a viure, va ser difícil, va ser un gran canvi. Allí ja no teníem als de casa per poder ajudar-nos amb qualsevol problema, no estaven físicament, tot i que parlàvem amb ells telemàticament. A la vegada també vam tindre el suport d’Ana i Vicent que ens van proporcionar l’ajuda que vam necessitar de la millor manera possible i sense demanar res a canvi.

Mai oblidarem el moment en què vam agafar l’avió direcció a Malta, havíem estat els dies anteriors sense dormir, amb tots els exàmens finals i aquella combinació d’emocions que vivíem sabent que eren els últims dies a Espanya. El dia 2 de març ens acomiadàvem de famílies i amics, estàvem esglaiats per emprendre aquesta aventura, perquè en el nostre cas era tot nou, però a la vegada estàvem emocionats per començar aquell viatge. Vam arribar a Malta al migdia, i la primera setmana vam viure en una casa d’Airbnb que teníem llogada per a una setmana en la zona de Pietà.

De seguida ens vam adonar que tot era distint, teníem una perspectiva de Malta diferent de la que realment ens vam trobar. Tot era molt distint a Espanya, en aquell moment ens vam adonar del pas que havíem donat, va ser quan vam despertar del somni que teníem i vam tindre un cop de realitat. La gent, la cultura, els costums, els carrers… Tot era diferent.

Les dos primeres setmanes van ser molt dures, trobes a faltar als amics, la família… I pot ser per a alguns de vosaltres també seran dures les primeres setmanes si aneu d’Erasmus, perquè t’has d’adaptar a un nou país, l’idioma, la nostàlgia, el viure sent independent…

La resta de l’estada allí va ser increïble, ja que a la residència on vam viure la resta del temps, van vindre dos xics espanyols en qui ens vam fer molt amics i fèiem tots els plans en ells.

En l’empresa on realitzàvem les pràctiques, ens van integrar de la millor manera que ho hagueren pogut fer, cada dia estàvem més a gust, coneixíem molta gent, i ens ho van ficar tot molt fàcil.

Tanmateix no tot era estudis i pràctiques, també vam sortir de festa, visitar platges i llocs increïbles que té Malta, arribàvem a la residència i posàvem música i ballàvem per la cuina mentre preparàvem el sopar amb els companys.

De seguida ens vam adonar que tot era distint, teníem una perspectiva de Malta diferent de la que realment ens vam trobar. Tot era molt distint a Espanya, en aquell moment ens vam adonar del pas que havíem donat, va ser quan vam despertar del somni que teníem i vam tindre un cop de realitat. La gent, la cultura, els costums, els carrers… Tot era diferent.

Les dos primeres setmanes van ser molt dures, trobes a faltar als amics, la família… I pot ser per a alguns de vosaltres també seran dures les primeres setmanes si aneu d’Erasmus, perquè t’has d’adaptar a un nou país, l’idioma, la nostàlgia, el viure sent independent…

La resta de l’estada allí va ser increïble, ja que a la residència on vam viure la resta del temps, van vindre dos xics espanyols en qui ens vam fer molt amics i fèiem tots els plans en ells.

En l’empresa on realitzàvem les pràctiques, ens van integrar de la millor manera que ho hagueren pogut fer, cada dia estàvem més a gust, coneixíem molta gent, i ens ho van ficar tot molt fàcil.

Tanmateix no tot era estudis i pràctiques, també vam sortir de festa, visitar platges i llocs increïbles que té Malta, arribàvem a la residència i posàvem música i ballàvem per la cuina mentre preparàvem el sopar amb els companys.

Però, que passa quan has de tornar? Mai ens havíem sentit d’aquella manera, era felicitat i tristesa a la vegada, volíem tornar a casa però a la vegada no volíem deixar de cop tot el que havíem construït, els nous amics, les comoditats que havíem aconseguit durant els dos mesos. Ja estàvem acostumats a viure allí.

També teníem pena per no saber si alguna vegada tornaríem a veure totes les persones en qui havíem creat una gran amistat, i vos assegurem que sempre tindran un lloc al nostre cor, perquè gràcies a ells ha sigut una experiència inoblidable, i sempre els recordarem per acompanyar-nos en aquesta aventura.

Sabeu que tenen les coses bones, no? Que sempre s’acaben. Això sí, en arribar a Espanya va ser una sorpresa. Ningú sabia que tornàvem i que havíem avançat el vol, ni les amigues, ni els familiars, ni tan sols els professors…

Quan vam arribar de cop a casa, la cara que posaven els pares, germans… No s’ho podien creure, ja estàvem a casa, estàvem allí davant dels seus ulls, però també hem de dir que ni nosaltres ens ho creiem que ja estàvem a Espanya. I el millor? Que tot està en el seu lloc… Tot en el lloc on ho vas deixar, res havia canviat. Bé si, nosaltres havíem canviat, aquesta experiència ens ha ajudat a madurar, a créixer, a conèixer-nos a nosaltres mateixos, tornàvem a casa molt contents.

El que vos fa por és l’idioma? Doncs lleveu-vos eixe pensament, per què nosaltres també teníem eixa por, i al final acabes entenen-te, acabes millorant l’idioma i la gent intenta sempre ajudar-te. Hem conegut gent allí que quan va arribar es comunicava quasi amb signes (i vos hem de dir que nosaltres alguna vegada també), i sabeu què? No passa res, al mes i poc ja teníem conversacions bàsiques, tot allí es millora, tant les habilitats com també la forma de veure la vida. Així que no tingueu por, no deixeu perdre aquesta oportunitat, és una experiència que no oblidareu mai.

També teníem pena per no saber si alguna vegada tornaríem a veure totes les persones en qui havíem creat una gran amistat, i vos assegurem que sempre tindran un lloc al nostre cor, perquè gràcies a ells ha sigut una experiència inoblidable, i sempre els recordarem per acompanyar-nos en aquesta aventura.

Sabeu que tenen les coses bones, no? Que sempre s’acaben. Això sí, en arribar a Espanya va ser una sorpresa. Ningú sabia que tornàvem i que havíem avançat el vol, ni les amigues, ni els familiars, ni tan sols els professors…

Quan vam arribar de cop a casa, la cara que posaven els pares, germans… No s’ho podien creure, ja estàvem a casa, estàvem allí davant dels seus ulls, però també hem de dir que ni nosaltres ens ho creiem que ja estàvem a Espanya. I el millor? Que tot està en el seu lloc… Tot en el lloc on ho vas deixar, res havia canviat. Bé si, nosaltres havíem canviat, aquesta experiència ens ha ajudat a madurar, a créixer, a conèixer-nos a nosaltres mateixos, tornàvem a casa molt contents.

El que vos fa por és l’idioma? Doncs lleveu-vos eixe pensament, per què nosaltres també teníem eixa por, i al final acabes entenen-te, acabes millorant l’idioma i la gent intenta sempre ajudar-te. Hem conegut gent allí que quan va arribar es comunicava quasi amb signes (i vos hem de dir que nosaltres alguna vegada també), i sabeu què? No passa res, al mes i poc ja teníem conversacions bàsiques, tot allí es millora, tant les habilitats com també la forma de veure la vida. Així que no tingueu por, no deixeu perdre aquesta oportunitat, és una experiència que no oblidareu mai.

Per a nosaltres ha sigut una experiència molt bonica que tampoc, mai en la vida, oblidarem.

Malta Erasmus+ Internships

Edgar Granell, Patricia Solsona and Anna Esteller.

As some of you already know, we are Edgar, Patricia and Anna, 3 students of Administration and Finance who were the lucky ones, and were able to enjoy the Erasmus+ experience this academic year 2021-22.

At the beginning, when we were given the option of going on Erasmus, none of us had considered doing an internship abroad, but as the days went by, it became increasingly clear to us that we didn’t want to miss out an opportunity that only happens once in a lifetime. So, when they gave us the news, we were very happy, and we chose Malta as our destination. They tell you that you’re going to a beautiful island for two months, to live a lot of experiences and learn to work on what you’ve studied, in a different language and with colleagues you already know. Nothing could go wrong, but in our case, when we had to leave our home, where we lived with all the comforts, which was our comfort zone where we were used to living; it was difficult, it was a big change. There, we no longer had our family to help us with any problem; they weren’t there physically, however, we talked to them online. At the same time, we also had the support of Ana and Vicent who provided us with the help we needed in the best possible way and without asking for anything in return.

We will never forget the moment when we took the plane to Malta. We had been the previous days without sleeping, with all the final exams and that combination of emotions that we felt knowing that those were the last days in Spain. On 2nd March, we said goodbye to our family and friends. We were scared to undertake this adventure because, in our case, it was all new; but at the same time, we were excited to start that journey. We arrived in Malta at midday, and the first week we lived in an Airbnb house that we had booked in the Pietà area for a week.

We immediately realised that everything was different. We had a different perspective of Malta from the one we actually found there. Everything was very different from Spain. At that moment, we realised what a step forward we had taken. It was when we woke up from the dream we had had, and we had a glimpse of reality. The people, the culture, the customs, the streets…, everything was different.

The first two weeks were very hard. You miss your friends, your family…, and maybe for some of you, the first weeks will also be hard if you go on Erasmus because you have to adapt to a new country, the language, the homesickness, the feeling of living in an independent way…

The rest of the stay there was incredible because in the residence where we lived the rest of the time, there were two Spanish guys and we became very good friends and made all our plans together.

In the company where we did our internship, they integrated us in the best way they could have done. We were more and more comfortable every day, we met a lot of people, and they made everything very easy for us.

However, it wasn’t all studying and training. We also went to parties, visited beaches and incredible places that Malta has to offer. We arrived at the residence and played music, and danced around the kitchen while we were preparing dinner with our flatmates.

But what happens when you have to go back? We had never felt like that before. It was happiness and sadness at the same time. We wanted to go back home, but at the same time we didn’t want to leave all that we had built such as the new friends and the comforts we had achieved during the two months. We were used to living there.

We were also sad because we didn’t know if we would ever see again all the people with whom we had made a great friendship, and we assure you that they will always have a place in our hearts because thanks to them it has been an unforgettable experience, and we will always remember them for accompanying us on this adventure.

Do you know what happens with good things, don’t you? They always come to an end. Of course, arriving in Spain was a surprise. Nobody knew that we were coming back, and that we had advanced our flight; neither our friends nor our relatives, not even our teachers…

When we arrived home, the face of our parents, brothers and sisters…. was of surprise. They couldn’t believe it. We were at home. We were there in front of their eyes, but we also have to say that even we didn’t believe that we were already in Spain. And the best thing? That everything was in its place. Everything was where you had left it. Nothing had changed. Well yes, we had changed. This experience has helped us to mature, to grow, to know ourselves. We returned home very happy.

Are you worried about the language? Well, forget that thought because we were also scared about it, and in the end you end up understanding people, you end up improving the language and people always try helping you. We met people there who, when they arrived, communicated almost in sign language (and we have to tell you that we sometimes did it too), and do you know what? It doesn’t matter, after a little over a month, we already had basic conversations. Everything there improves, both skills and the way of watching life. So, don’t be afraid, don’t miss this opportunity. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.

Edgar Granell, Patricia Solsona and Anna Esteller.

As some of you already know, we are Edgar, Patricia and Anna, 3 students of Administration and Finance who were the lucky ones, and were able to enjoy the Erasmus+ experience this academic year 2021-22.

At the beginning, when we were given the option of going on Erasmus, none of us had considered doing an internship abroad, but as the days went by, it became increasingly clear to us that we didn’t want to miss out an opportunity that only happens once in a lifetime. So, when they gave us the news, we were very happy, and we chose Malta as our destination. They tell you that you’re going to a beautiful island for two months, to live a lot of experiences and learn to work on what you’ve studied, in a different language and with colleagues you already know. Nothing could go wrong, but in our case, when we had to leave our home, where we lived with all the comforts, which was our comfort zone where we were used to living; it was difficult, it was a big change. There, we no longer had our family to help us with any problem; they weren’t there physically, however, we talked to them online. At the same time, we also had the support of Ana and Vicent who provided us with the help we needed in the best possible way and without asking for anything in return.

We will never forget the moment when we took the plane to Malta. We had been the previous days without sleeping, with all the final exams and that combination of emotions that we felt knowing that those were the last days in Spain. On 2nd March, we said goodbye to our family and friends. We were scared to undertake this adventure because, in our case, it was all new; but at the same time, we were excited to start that journey. We arrived in Malta at midday, and the first week we lived in an Airbnb house that we had booked in the Pietà area for a week.

We immediately realised that everything was different. We had a different perspective of Malta from the one we actually found there. Everything was very different from Spain. At that moment, we realised what a step forward we had taken. It was when we woke up from the dream we had had, and we had a glimpse of reality. The people, the culture, the customs, the streets…, everything was different.

The first two weeks were very hard. You miss your friends, your family…, and maybe for some of you, the first weeks will also be hard if you go on Erasmus because you have to adapt to a new country, the language, the homesickness, the feeling of living in an independent way…

The rest of the stay there was incredible because in the residence where we lived the rest of the time, there were two Spanish guys and we became very good friends and made all our plans together.

In the company where we did our internship, they integrated us in the best way they could have done. We were more and more comfortable every day, we met a lot of people, and they made everything very easy for us.

However, it wasn’t all studying and training. We also went to parties, visited beaches and incredible places that Malta has to offer. We arrived at the residence and played music, and danced around the kitchen while we were preparing dinner with our flatmates.

But what happens when you have to go back? We had never felt like that before. It was happiness and sadness at the same time. We wanted to go back home, but at the same time we didn’t want to leave all that we had built such as the new friends and the comforts we had achieved during the two months. We were used to living there.

We were also sad because we didn’t know if we would ever see again all the people with whom we had made a great friendship, and we assure you that they will always have a place in our hearts because thanks to them it has been an unforgettable experience, and we will always remember them for accompanying us on this adventure.

Do you know what happens with good things, don’t you? They always come to an end. Of course, arriving in Spain was a surprise. Nobody knew that we were coming back, and that we had advanced our flight; neither our friends nor our relatives, not even our teachers…

When we arrived home, the face of our parents, brothers and sisters…. was of surprise. They couldn’t believe it. We were at home. We were there in front of their eyes, but we also have to say that even we didn’t believe that we were already in Spain. And the best thing? That everything was in its place. Everything was where you had left it. Nothing had changed. Well yes, we had changed. This experience has helped us to mature, to grow, to know ourselves. We returned home very happy.

Are you worried about the language? Well, forget that thought because we were also scared about it, and in the end you end up understanding people, you end up improving the language and people always try helping you. We met people there who, when they arrived, communicated almost in sign language (and we have to tell you that we sometimes did it too), and do you know what? It doesn’t matter, after a little over a month, we already had basic conversations. Everything there improves, both skills and the way of watching life. So, don’t be afraid, don’t miss this opportunity. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.

For us, it has been a beautiful experience that we will never forget.