El nostre primer Erasmus+

Des del dia 1 d’octubre de 2014, l’alumne de l’IES de Sant Mateu, Víctor Tena Marín, titulat superior en el cicle formatiu d’Administració i Finances, realitza pràctiques a l’empresa Valfortec, UK Ltd, en la seu de Reading (Regne Unit). La durada de les pràctiques és de 8 mesos, fins el 31 de maig de 2015 i serveixen per adquirir coneixements d’anglés i de tasques laborals relaciones amb el treball d’administratiu en un entorn internacional.

Reading és una ciutat i una unitat administrativa en el comtat de Berkshire en Anglaterra, Regne Unit. Situada entre els rius Tàmesi i Kennet, la ciutat es troba a mig camí entre Londres i Oxford. Probablement és el centre de negocis més important del sud-est d’Anglaterra, a part de Londres. La majoria de les grans companyies de Gran Bretanya tenen la seva seu en la ciutat en la qual també es troben nombroses multinacionals. És, a més a més, una ciutat universitària amb una destacable comunitat estudiantil.

Aquestes pràctiques s’han realitzat gràcies al projecte Erasmus+ presentat per Amèlia Ferreres i les gestions de Marta Barberá, Susanna Albiol, Amparo Bort, Tica Tàrrega i la direcció del centre públic de l’IES de Sant Mateu. Però, el projecte no hagués estat possible sense la implicació de l’empresa Valfortec UK Ltd, i el personal que hi treballa a Reading (Vicente Martínez, Guillermo Van Koningsloo i Victoria Moreda) i a l’oficina central de Castelló (Maria José Roig i Fidel Roig), que han organitzat l’estada i acollit a Víctor en la seua organització. Aquesta empresa ha construït, en el Regne Unit, instal·lacions solars a les poblacions de Mickleton i Westbury-on-Severn, i Víctor realitza les pràctiques d’administratiu. Les pràctiques estan finançades, parcialment, per la Unió Europea mitjançant el programa Erasmus+ (amb una beca de tres mesos).

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A més a més, el professor d’Anglés, Carlos Barrachina i el professor Tècnic de Processos de Gestió Administrativa, Vicent Pitarch, han sigut també becats per realitzar una estada de job shadowing durant 4 dies, en aquesta empresa, van portar al centre material en anglés relacionat amb el cicle d’Administració i van difondre la importància de les pràctiques a l’exterior i l’idioma estranger entre l’alumnat, el professorat, les famílies i l’entorn del centre.

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A la revista de Les Coves Tossal Gros, en la pàgina 22 del seu número 159 de març-abril de 2015, va aparèixer un article sobre l’experiència de Víctor. A continuació us deixem l’enllaç i unes fotografies.



Our first Erasmus+


Since 1st October 2014, the IES Sant Mateu student, Víctor Tena Marín, graduate in High Level Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training, has been doing an internship in the company Valfortec, UK Ltd, at the headquarters of Reading (UK). The duration of the internship is 8 months, until 31st May 2015, and serves to acquire knowledge of the English language, and labour tasks related to administrative work in an international environment.

Reading is a city and an administrative unit in the county of Berkshire in England, United Kingdom. It is situated between the rivers Thames and Kennet; the city is halfway between London and Oxford. It is probably the most important business centre in the south-east of England, apart from London. Most of Britain’s large companies are headquartered in the city, where there are numerous multinationals too. It is also a university city with a remarkable student community.

This internship has been carried out thanks to the Erasmus + project  submitted by Amèlia Ferreres and the efforts of Marta Barberá, Susanna Albiol, Amparo Bort, Tica Tàrrega and the management team of IES de Sant Mateu state school. However, the project would not have been possible without the involvement of the company Valfortec UK Ltd, and the staff working in Reading (Vicente Martínez, Guillermo Van Koningsloo and Victoria Moreda) and in the central office of Castellón (Maria José Roig and Fidel Roig), who organized Victor’s stay and welcomed him in their organization. This company has built solar installations in the towns of Mickleton and Westbury-on-Severn in the United Kingdom, and Victor is doing an administrative internship there. This internship was partially funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + programme (with a three-month scholarship).

In addition, the English teacher, Carlos Barrachina, and the Administrative Management Processes Technical Teacher, Vicent Pitarch, were also awarded a grant to do job shadowing in this company for 4 days . They brought to their school material in English related to Business Administration Vocational Training and disseminated among students, teachers, families and the school surroundings, the importance of internships abroad and of learning a foreign language.

In Les Coves Tossal Gros magazine, on issue 159, March-April 2015, on page 22, there was an article about Victor’s experience. Find it in the link below and some photos.




Our first Erasmus+


Since 1st October 2014, the IES Sant Mateu student, Víctor Tena Marín, graduate in High Level Business Administration and Finance Vocational Training, has been doing an internship in the company Valfortec, UK Ltd, at the headquarters of Reading (UK). The duration of the internship is 8 months, until 31st May 2015, and serves to acquire knowledge of the English language, and labour tasks related to administrative work in an international environment.


Reading is a city and an administrative unit in the county of Berkshire in England, United Kingdom. It is situated between the rivers Thames and Kennet; the city is halfway between London and Oxford. It is probably the most important business centre in the south-east of England, apart from London. Most of Britain’s large companies are headquartered in the city, where there are numerous multinationals too. It is also a university city with a remarkable student community.


This internship has been carried out thanks to the Erasmus + project  submitted by Amèlia Ferreres and the efforts of Marta Barberá, Susanna Albiol, Amparo Bort, Tica Tàrrega and the management team of IES de Sant Mateu state school. However, the project would not have been possible without the involvement of the company Valfortec UK Ltd, and the staff working in Reading (Vicente Martínez, Guillermo Van Koningsloo and Victoria Moreda) and in the central office of Castellón (Maria José Roig and Fidel Roig), who organized Victor’s stay and welcomed him in their organization. This company has built solar installations in the towns of Mickleton and Westbury-on-Severn in the United Kingdom, and Victor is doing an administrative internship there. This internship was partially funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + programme (with a three-month scholarship).

In addition, the English teacher, Carlos Barrachina, and the Administrative Management Processes Technical Teacher, Vicent Pitarch, were also awarded a grant to do job shadowing in this company for 4 days . They brought to their school material in English related to Business Administration Vocational Training and disseminated among students, teachers, families and the school surroundings, the importance of internships abroad and of learning a foreign language.


In Les Coves Tossal Gros magazine, on issue 159, March-April 2015, on page 22, there was an article about Victor’s experience. Find it in the link below and some photos.

