Portfolio de lenguas (PAU): Halloween Costume Contest

Halloween Costume Contest

Teacher: Pau Millán
Group: 1GSAN (main) + 2GSAN (assistants)
Subject: English - CV0003
Target language: English

Task: the group had to organize themselves to create a costume contest and a parade for Halloween. Thus, they:

  • Previous weeks: divided themselves in teams and created a document / spreadsheet with the roles and duties of each member of the team; created posters to promote the event and placed them around the school.
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A. Presenters / speakers: in charge of speaking in front of an audience in EN and directing the event.
B. Decoration team: in charge of creating Halloween decorations and putting them around the school.
C. Managers: in charge of welcoming the groups, divide and place them around the school's patio, playing music at the background, taking pictures of the event.


D. Entertainers: in charge of creating dynamics and games to entertain those that finished the presentation of their costume and were waiting to get to know the results of the contest and the prizes.

  • Halloween Costume Contest and Parade:

Groups of the school that enrolled attended the event with their class and teacher. They had chosen a topic for their costume, so they presented it to the audience and performed all together (some role played, others danced…).

Once they finished their presentation, they played some games and were entertained until the prizes were given.

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