L’any 2019 ens van concedir a l’institut 1 beca Erasmus+ per a alumnat i 2 per a professorat en el projecte KA103, 2019-1-ES01-KA103-062243. El coordinador de cicles formatius va fer una presentació sobre les possibilitats de fer pràctiques formatives mitjançant programes europeus en l’IES MAESTRAT i, com a resultat, un alumne, Miguel Albiol, va ser seleccionat per realitzar pràctiques FCT en el Regne Unit en l’empresa Zero Records, en Londres, entre el mes de març i maig de 2020 i 2 job shadowing de 4 dies per a 2 docents en Sicília.
Erasmus+ 2019. Internships and jobshadowing in COVID times
In 2019, our school was awarded 1 Erasmus + scholarships for students and 2 for teachers in the project KA103, 2019-1-ES01-KA103-062243. The coordinator of Vocational Training gave a presentation about the possibilities of doing an internship through IES MAESTRAT European programmes and as a result, a student, Miguel Albiol, was selected to do a FCT internship in the United Kingdom in the company Zero Records, in London, from March to May 2020, and 2 teachers received 2 job shadowing grants for 4 days, whose in Sicily.