English Escape Room

On March, 30th, the students of 4th CSE and 2nd Baccalaureate – 4 A, 4 B, 4 C, PR4, 2BACA & 2BAHA – attended an Escape Room which was developed entirely in English. This activity was organised by the English Department of the centre. A total number of 102 students participated in the activity. There were 4 sessions and about 25 of them participated in each session.

The students, who were gathered in three groups per session, had to solve some clues in order to find an imaginary lost work by the Irish writer Oscar Wilde which was supposed to reveal the secrets of time travelling. It’s worth mentioning that all of the groups were able so solve the mystery and, therefore, escape the Escape Room.

According to the comments that students made after the event, we can establish that they really enjoyed the activity and found it challenging. The level of English used and required in the activity was adequate for our students and, in general, we are satisfied with its content and organization.

Escape Room en Anglès

El passat dia 30 de març, l’alumnat de 4t ESO i 2n Batxillerat (4t A, 4t B, 4t C, PR4, 2BACA i 2BAHA) va realitzar una Escape Room íntegrament en anglès organitzada pel departament d’anglès del centre. Un total de 102 alumnes van participar-hi. Hi va haver 4 sessions amb 25 alumnes en cadascuna.

L’alumnat, distribuïts per grups, havia de resoldre unes pistes que els permetrien trobar una hipotètica obra perduda de l’escriptor irlandès Oscar Wilde, la qual desvelava els secrets per a viatjar en el temps. Val a dir que tots els grups van ser capaços de resoldre els reptes i aconseguir l’objectiu de l’activitat.

Pel que fa a valoració global de l’activitat, cal dir que va ser molt entretinguda i l’alumnat en va gaudir. El nivell d’anglès que es va emprar al llarg de totes les sessions va ser l’adequat per al nostre alumnat i, en general, estem satisfets/es amb la seua organització i el seu contingut.