Portfolio de lenguas: We are YouTubers!

Title: We are YouTubers!

Teacher: Pau Millán Carbonell

Group: 2GMAT - morning

Class: CV0002 - English

Language used in the classroom: English

Target language: English

Title: We are YouTubers!

Teacher: Pau Millán Carbonell

Group: 2GMAT - morning

Class: CV0002 - English

Language used in the classroom: English

Target language: English

Description of the project:

In order to create a final project before they leave to do their internship at different companies, students of this group had to record a video in small groups (3, 4 people) to promote the vocational training course they are studying to possible new students.

In those videos, they need to describe in detail their studies, including information like: name of the course, duration, first and second year subjects, careers, school and its facilities, internship, mobility options and exchange programmes, etc.

To do so, students had several sessions throughout a whole month in which:

FIRST SESSIONS: they created a draft and thought about the information they wanted / needed to include in the video.

MAIN SESSIONS: students wrote down a script to know what they wanted to say in their videos, and within their teams, they planned how they were going to record the videos around school: at the gym? at the patio? etc.

FINAL SESSIONS: students moved around the school to record their videos; once they had all the clips, they used different apps to edit and submit their recordings.

PRESENTATION SESSION: students watched the video of their classmates, and peer-assessed each other thanks to the use of a specific project rubric to assess the content of the video, its structure, creativity… as well as the language (vocabulary, grammar…), pronunciation and discourse management of the speakers.

Evidence: a couple of videos to show you what the final project can be like.

Conclusion: some students loved creating this, meanwhile for others was quite tricky and challenging. The more able and creative ones were somehow flying solo, while others (less motivated or with some lower abilities in the foreign language) needed very structured and scaffolded sessions to find their way, know what they had to do and be able to do so properly.

languages #English #videos #finalproject #motivation #presentation #peer-assessment #rubrics #recording #school #GMAT

Visita a la ONCE

El alumnado de 2º GMAT (grupos mañana y tarde), han visitado durante este curso la ONCE y la Federación de personas sordas de la Comunidad Valenciana. En ambas entidades, representativas de personas con diversidad funcional sensorial, han tenido la oportunidad de aproximarse a la realidad de personas ciegas, sordas y sordociegas, así como de conocer más de cerca el sistema Braille y la Lengua de Signos.

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