About us. Erasmus+

IES Abastos is a public school under the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat Valenciana in which the following Short Cycle vocational diplomas, (Higher Vocational Education) are offered:

  • Administration and Finance: its main objective is to prepare students for administrative management at an advanced level in companies, professional offices, etc.
  • International Trade: the main objective is that students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills to deal with management related to import-export business, logistics or distribution of goods, and who can also carry out international market research.
  • Transportation and Logistics: the main objective is that students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills to handle all operations and administrative procedures necessary to organize the transport of goods and/or passengers in an international context.
  • Cross-platform Applications Development: its main objective is that students learn to design and/or analyze computer multiplatform applications tailored to meet the needs of the company.
  • Web Applications Development: its main objective is that students learn to design and /or analyze web applications tailored to meet the needs of the company.
  • Management of Network Computer Systems: its main objective is to enable students to develop and maintain computer systems as well as to manage local area networks.

One of the professional modules that students must take in order to obtain these diplomas is a compulsory Workplace Training Module (FCT: Formació en Centres de Traball), in which students do on-the-job training in companies. The duration of this module is 22 ECTS credits (400 hours). FCT provides the students with the opportunity to get the first-hand contact with a real work environment and is often the first step to a subsequent job.

Our interest in the integral training of our students has encouraged us to offer them various possibilities for the realization of FCT, not only in our country but also in other countries, with all the benefits that this may bring to our students (exchange of experience, opportunity to know other cultures and ways of life, improve their language skills, get to know the labour market in other countries, enhance the chance of getting a job in the future, etc.).

To this end, within the actions funded under this Program, we request the renewal of the Erasmus Charter in order to continue the Student Mobility for Work Placements in companies of other EU countries.

Our school also takes part in other programs: Leonardo, FCT Europe (promoted by the Ministry of Education), and others.

In order to develop the Program and to carry out the compulsory Workplace Training Module (FCT) in EU countries, we need to find host companies or institutions. One of the selection criteria is that these companies develop activities related to the objectives of the vocational course taken by the students, thereby contributing to their integral training.

The Erasmus Coordinator will coordinate program activities and be in contact with host companies and institutions. To perform this task the coordinator will liaise with:

  • A tutor (teacher) appointed by the school and whose role will be to prepare the syllabus and assessment documents, taking into account the main objectives of the vocational course that the student attends. These documents will be handed over to the company tutor so that they can monitor and assess the student’s performance.
  • A company tutor appointed by the host company or institution, who will monitor and evaluate the student.
  • A tutor that helps students to settle in the host country. They will accompany students to the companies, introduce them to their company tutors and help them to integrate in their new work environment.

The duration of the program should be at least 12 weeks. Given that a week is usually devoted to familiarizing students with their new surroundings, the duration of training practices in no case should be shorter than that determined in their Curriculum.

For the selection of students, their language skills and their ability to improve these skills will be taken into account. Students will be either asked to provide a diploma included in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​or, if they do not have one, will be tested to make sure they are able to cope with a work environment in a foreign language.

To substantiate the participation in the program the student will get a Europass mobility document, and a certificate from the company in which the duration of training practices, activities carried out, etc. are specified.

On the school’s website (www.iesabastos.org) all the details concerning this program will be displayed. Also, notice will be given through leaflets, newsletters, posters, department meetings, staff meetings, School Board meetings, etc.

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