Pour un lycée verte/Por un instituto verde

Curso 2022-2023, proyecto del departamento de francés. Los alumnos de segunda lengua extranjera trabajan junto a alumnos del Lycée Fernand Renaudeau de Cholet, en Francia.  A través de las actividades del proyecto, los alumnos trabajarán el tema del medio ambiente en todas sus vertientes: reciclaje, sostenibilidad, ahorro energético, consumo responsable, estilo de vida saludable pero …

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Creative young entrepeneurs

Curso 2022-2023, proyecto eTwinning realizado por el Departamento de Biología en colaboración con el Departamento de Economía e Inglés. Cada escuela crea una empresa “real” con funcionarios electos y un rol adecuado para cada estudiante. Como parte de su empresa, los estudiantes diseñarán y crearán souvenirs para representar su lugar, provincia y/o país, todos a …

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Infos ou Infaux?

Curso 2021-2022, proyecto del departamento de francés en colaboración con el IES Virgen de Valme de Dos Hermanas en Sevilla, el Lycée Professionnel Agricole de Orthez en Francia y el Colegiul “Mihai Viteazul” de Ineu en Rumanía. El objetivo principal del proyecto es la alfabetización mediática y la desinformación, para que nuestros alumnos tomen conciencia …

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Health and Daily Routines Combined

Our project connects students and teachers from Spain, Italy, Poland, Turkey and Macedonia. Its major goal is to promote healthy, eco-friendly and happy lifestyle. We would like to boost our students’ knowledge about healthy nutrition and motivate them to be active and fit.

Healthy Plants for Sustainable Earth

This project aims to carry out activities within the framework of the International Year of Plant Protection for which the UN has declared 2020. The challenges are tailored to students aged 11 to 14, the project will last one school year. Some of the questions we will be looking for answers to are: What is …

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Approaching Differences

Este grupo surge del proyecto Erasmus+ 2018-1-ES01-KA101-049169 Approaching Differences

Electronic Waste Around Us

This project will draw attention to a comprehensive view of the social, environmental and economic aspects of electronic waste (e-waste). We will especially consider the possibilities of reducing, reusing and recycling of e-waste.  Resources TwinSpace Project “Electronic Waste Around Us” https://ifixit.org/recycling

Design amd eco building

Each country involved in the project will make propositions(drawing) of a furniture. This furniture will be realized by the other country with cardboard.(real size) We will have to make some videos of the constructions and compare the ideas of design in both countries. At the end we will make a virtual museum of both creations.

Breaking Steriotypes

This is a project where students and teachers from both European countries will cooperate to reflect on how we are influenced by cultural stereotypes in getting to know, relate and interact with other cultures. Stereotypes can be perceived as a way to classify and label different peoples, groups and cultures though we don’t even know …

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Smart Home Automation with Arduino

Advances in software and technology change our lives very quickly. Robotic systems and artificial intelligence are now in every aspect of our lives. In the future, it is seen that the manpower that can encode these systems will be needed. Students will learn how to encode the arduino in this project and understand how to …

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