Erasmus Policy Statement

IES Azud de Alfeitamí has the Eche Charter from 2021 until the end of the current period in 2027. Since we were granted this accreditation, the interest in the Erasmus+ programme in our school has been increasing, both on the part of the management as well as the teaching staff and students, due to the numerous benefits of participating in this programme. This is why we have been updating and broadening our look into the programme through the Erasmus+ committee in order to more effectively meet the needs of our students at the different educational levels: SCH, VET and HED.

During the academic year 2022/2023 and the current academic year, we have decided to go further in our Erasmus+ adventure and give a boost to the internationalisation of our school by joining a consortium that has allowed us to carry out mobilities of teachers, through Job Shadowing, and of Vocational Training students, with internships in European companies, and in this way gain more experience in the Erasmus+ programme.

In parallel, our Erasmus+ teams, both SCH and VET, have developed different projects, in order to continue with the internationalisation strategy of the school. Our institution intends to focus its Erasmus+ activities on the mobility of staff and students with the aim of promoting multilingualism at all educational levels; the internationalisation of VET, importing new European practices and providing new professional experiences to our students; and in the SCH area, contributing to the promotion of multilingualism and the reduction of school absenteeism, through the participation of students in the different activities of the Erasmus+ programme.

For the contribution of all these objectives, apart from the renewal of the Eche Charter for Higher Education, during the 2023 call, the centre submitted the applications KA-120-SCH and KA120-VET in the 2023 call, obtaining the quality label in both and granting us the accreditation in VET. In addition, in the recent 2024 call, we have applied for KA-131-HED, KA121-VET and KA122-SCH projects, in order to continue promoting the Erasmus+ project of our centre.

IES Azud de Alfeitamí aspires to become an educational centre of reference and at the forefront in terms of internationalisation and that is why it encourages its entire educational community to participate in the activities that we offer within each of the Erasmus+ projects of our centre and which are in full expansion with a view to the near future.

Our participation in this programme aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. To exchange experiences and good practices of teachers with institutions from different European countries.

2. To promote student exchanges in the field of SCH between European counterparts.

3. To encourage international cooperation between institutions.

4. To encourage vocational training students to take part in work experience placements in international companies.

5. To design motivational strategies to create a European identity among our entire educational community.

In short, at IES Azud de Alfeitamí we continue to work and improve in order to offer a quality education to our students and to respond to all their needs within the different educational levels and, likewise, and as a main objective, to transfer, both to teachers and students, the enthusiasm and desire to grow and internationalise our centre.

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