Expected impact of the Programme on modernization of our institution

  1. Increase qualification levels in order to achieve the Europe 2020 goal – that 40%    of young people complete tertiary studies. For this purpose, our institution offers:
  • Classroom teaching for students following education-training schedule after compulsory secondary education or high school. With two turns, one in the morning and another one in the evening, so we can adapt to the necessities of the pupils, especially of those who combine part-time jobs and study.
  • A blended online and traditional classroom-based teaching using the New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC). This is the answer to the training needs for those students, youth and adults, who cannot attend class on a regular basis due to work reasons, the distance of their principal place of residence or due to any other circumstance. In its organization, this offer includes individual and/or group mentoring for consultations or classes for specific topics, discussion forums and self-learning activities. This type of education helps reduce early school leaving.

The results obtained from these studies provide direct access to university education.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport offer underprivileged students the possibility of obtaining scholarships.

  1. Improve the quality and relevance of higher education.

The offered programs respond to the demanding needs of the production system, being necessary to complete the job training module (Formación en Centros de Trabajo – FCT). This module favours future employment.

We have a job bank, consisting of students who have finished their studies. This gathers job offers from companies and puts students in contact with them.

Teachers participate in training courses to improve their quality.

  1. Enhance quality through cross-border cooperation and mobility.

Our institution encourages student mobility among students for internships in the European Union in order to enhance increase their learning and professional skills and employability in other countries. This is an opportunity for students to enrich themselves with the culture of other countries.

  1. Link education with businesses.

Our institution has a database of 240 different cooperating businesses that host students every year for 3 months for them to complete the job-training module (Formación en Centros de Trabajo – FCT). This enables students to implement the knowledge gained in class.

  1. Improve governance and funding.

Our students participate in the European FCT Program, promoted and fully funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in the Valencian Community. This offers students the possibility of completing the job-training module (Formación en Centros de Trabajo – FCT) in The UK, Ireland or France.