Erasmus Policy Statement

Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)


I. Institution’s international (EU and non-EU) strategy.


Sixto Marco is a High School Institution wich tries to provide a european perspective in the studies developed in the centre. The different studies developed here, include in their plannings the European standpoints like, cross curricular subject and it tries to integrate in the pupils the idea of the relevance of the European Union.

The Erasmus programme will bring students, trainees, teachers and the rest of the educational community the European reality through the contact with the HIE of other European countries.

The educational and abilities to conform a socioeconomic reality.

A competitive vocational training where the educational innovation and the initiative in the world of business take up an important place in the C.V. of the students.

This will give the oportunity to the students of top cycles to conclude their curriculum, achieveing international skills and mechanisms of insertion in the social and labour European market.

Our purpose is to integrate our Centre in the net of European Centres which share experiencies, learnings and ways of working.

We would like to become a model High School to the young european and to awake interest in studying top studies in our profesional families.

Our future partners must meet certain eligibility criteria in order to ensure the highest quality in the mobility of our centers preference students. We prefer the HEI with same families share professional and similar modules and cycles with countries willing to take work commitments and professional interests and continuity in student mobility both as a peer training in trainseehps.

The Institute already has a long list of professionals contacted through etwinning platform and continuing education program LdV.

The primary objective is to select the European geographical expansion, whose sources of employment are conducive to the career development of the students who attend our training courses.

If applicable, please describe your institution’s strategy for the organisation and implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects in teaching and training in relation to projects implemented under the Programme. (max. 2000 characters) Original language [EN]

The vocation of the Center is always open the doors of Europe throug lessons taught in it.

The educational community will work in the acquisition of skills and abilities to conform a socioeconomic reality and a competitive vocational training whese the educational innovation and the initiative in the world of business take up an important place in the C.V of students.This will give the oportunity of the students of top cycles to conclude their degrees in a european country.

Teachers involved in the development and mobility programs both in Europe and in the rest of the world have begun work via Combined etwinnig creation of two projects:

-EU-career: Professions among EU countries.

-Sistemas de FP, Comunicación y Entorno Socio-laboral.

Students will work on modules for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Training and Employment, and English,the development of these projects over the course 2013-2014 advised by both the faculty and by local agencies through specific sessions of training, consulting and Open doors Days.


II. Institution’s strategy for the organisation and implementation of international(EU and non-EU) cooperation projects in teaching and training in relation to projects implemented under the Programme.


The vocation of the Center is always open the doors of Europe throug lessons taught in it.

The educational community will work in the acquisition of skills and abilities to conform a socioeconomic reality and a competitive vocational training whese the educational innovation and the initiative in the world of business take up an important place in the C.V of students.This will give the oportunity of the students of top cycles to conclude their degrees ina european country.

Teachers involved in the development and mobility programs both in Europe and in the rest of the world have begun work via Combined etwinnig creation of two projects:

-EU-career: Professions among EU countries.

-Sistemas de FP, Comunicación y Entorno Socio-laboral.

Students will work on modules for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Training and Employment, and English,the development of these projects over the course 2013-2014 advised by both the faculty and by local agencies through specific sessions of training, consulting and Open doors Days.


III. Impact of your participation in the Programme on the modernisation of your institution (for each of the 5 priorities of the Modernisation Agenda*) in terms of the policy objectives you intend to achieve.


The goals outlined in the Institute of Higher Education Sixto Marco in order that European integration policy is carried out from each and every one of the areas are:

– Integrate increasingly line of action if the vision of Spain as part of Europe.

-Incorporate in all its activities, meetings and events is a clear educational policy that looks to Europe.

-Planning a twist that incorporates innovative job search European programs in the curriculum of students.

-Achieve greater knowledge transfer, training and methodology, so that our graduates reach a quality higher education.

-Increase and spread the use of ICT.

-To contribute to the enrichment of the student and try to result in the creation of competitive and healthy, that contribute to the better functioning of the socioeconomic environment.

-Provide skilled, highly trained in foreign languages


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