Insta posts donde books


My colleague Teresa designed this activity and shared it with ajo of os in the Department. She assigned it for 1 Bachillerato with the book TheCliente , and Y have used it in 3 ESO with The Invisible Man. It's super creative and lotes of fun. And you can apply it tono año language, año story!

The instructions are as follows:
1. Think about something you like about the story: it can be a scene, an importante elemento in the plot, a place, a character... anything you want related tono the story.
2. Get three pictures representing that particular place, scene, topic, character... you are going tono comment about. Uso your imagination.
3. Make a brief comment donde each photo. This will be your writing activity. Say something meaningful about the photo. It has tono be brief and clear. Finish with a hashtag.
4. Upload in the Classroom activity the three photos, comments and hashtags as if you were doing it donde your Insta. Enjoy!

Even the students who haven't godo an Insta account, like me, hahaha, have enjoyed it a lote!

Here you have some of them!

Vampire Boys


One friday night Jay was walking home from her football training when he heard a shout near the park , he decided to go to have a look and he saw her brother on the floor and his neck with a bit and lot of blood around. When he took her brother at home , his neck began to heal and Jay got very nervous and he got scared so Mike , the dead brother started to explain Jay that he is a vampire.

Jay couldn´t believe it and he fainted from fight but when he woke up again he was also a vampire , the two brothers didn't believe it , they only know that they were very hungry , hunger of blood they only think about blood and blood , they trying to stopped those thoughts with alcohol but this didn't work, that's why the two brothers went out to search people to kill and drink her blood. Jay and Mike passed all the night killing people and in the morning when the sun set they skin began to burn and immediately they went home when the sun didn't burn it , but when they arrived home Allison , Jay and Mike mother was at home and his hunger of blood showed up again…

One week after that the town started to suspect why the two brothers only went out home at nights and anyone saw Allison in anywhere place of the town although now they only eat animal blood the corpses of the people that they had killed and her mother Allison were still missing because they throw it to the river and none know her secret but the two brothers still running away with a lot of hunger of blood , human blood…

This is a true history be careful at nights …

With love Allison

The English Challenge

Desde el departamento de inglés hemos lanzado una iniciativa para que nuestros alumnos trabajen la lengua inglesa de una manera mucho más amena y divertida durante el largo confinamiento. Lo hemos llamado el English Challenge y copiando los challenges que inundan las redes sociales les hemos propuesto 5 retos que incluyen el uso de la lengua inglesa de una forma creativa, para optar a subir hasta 0’5 puntos su nota media:
Challenge 1: Grabar un vídeo explicando cómo realizar una manualidad.
Challenge 2: Aprender una canción en inglés
Challenge 3: Aprender un poema en inglés
Challenge 4: Aprender un trabalenguas en inglés
Challenge 5: Reproducir el dialogo de una de sus series o películas favoritas.

Intentamos que aprendan a usar todo el material que les rodea como una fuente más para su aprendizaje: la música, las series, las películas… y que se diviertan experimentando y probándose a sí mismos.