Com tots els anys hem gaudit d’una gran festa per tancar aquest curs del Pigmalió.

Dijous passat els alumnes majors pigmalions prepararen una festa de cloenda perquè els més menuts pogueren divertir-se.  Al pati hi havia activitats de tot tipus, des de pintar-se les cares fins a jocs d’aigua, que varen vindre molt bé per refrescar. 

Darrere d’aquesta jornada hi ha molta feina. Els tutors majors es reuniren als patis per preparar-la i dir que ho han fet molt bé. Ho han fet amb tanta estima que no podia eixir malament. Des d’ací volem donar-vos l’enhorabona i les gràcies per la vostra feina i implicació.

Vos esperem a tots l’anys que ve. Recordeu que quan caminem junts de la mà tot és més fàcil!

També desitjar-vos a tots unes bones vacances i que gaudiu moltíssim d’aquest estiu. 

BUPA: How to make the upskilling process additive with game design concepts

3rd Transnational Project Meeting (25th of May 2023)

On the 25th of May 2023, the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) was held in Athens, at Ilioupoli/ Athens hosted by XENIOS POLIS.

The meeting was attended in person by all partners (CODEUP- PT, XENIOS POLIS- GR, CARDET- CY, IES LA SENIA- ES, AEVA-PT, IIS MARCONI MANGANO- IT, FIP-IE), while among the pillar topics, that discussed, were the project results (PRs) progress, the financial management, the dissemination and the evaluation of the project. Especially, concerning the PRs, it was scheduled the timeline for the completion of the curriculum, both the scientific content and the videos, as well as the availability of the material on the digital platform. In the context of the dissemination, the partners discussed the implementation of their multiplier events in December 2023, in their countries, giving the opportunity to the target groups of the project, both the teachers and the secondary students, to cover the benefits of students learning to code in school and receive tools, approaches, methodologies and tips to teachers on teaching coding effectively.

The project includes four (4) project results, 1) the BUPA Curriculum, 2) the BUPA Gamification for Education Framework, 3) the BUPA Resources and 4) the BUPA MOOC.

In the upcoming months, except from their work mainly on the project results’ (PRs) finalisation and the dissemination of the project, the partners will meet each other, in Italy, in the context of the staff training (in November), as well as at the end of January for the final Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) and the Final Conference, in Portugal.

For more information on the BUPA project, you may visit the website and follow our account on Facebook.

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