«Parvo esset natura contenta»


ANT is the acronym for our Erasmus+ project: ART, NATURE, AND TECHNOLOGY.

Our school, like others in the European Union, faces challenges like global warming, biodiversity loss, and the shift towards services at the expense of traditional trades connected to the natural environment. These needs align with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The participation of our educational community is crucial, especially in the Mediterranean basin, where much of the land is at risk of desertification according to the CIDE.

Our goals include increasing biodiversity on the school grounds, introducing students to gardening to encourage traditional trades, promoting sustainable eating practices, and strengthening the emotional connection with the natural environment through artistic education. These efforts are aligned with SDGs 15, 4, 8, 3, 12, and 11, and will be evaluated through participant observation and the collection of experiences.

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