1r ARTS AND CRAFTS – From 30th March to 3rd April

Make a pasta necklace

You need macaroni, thread/wool/shoelace and felt tip pens

Instructions: 1. Paint 15-20 macaronis with felt tip pens of different colors. BE CREATIVE

2.Cut an adequate piece of thread/wool/shoelace to make a collar

3.Thread macaronis through the thread/wool/shoelace until the thread is full

4.Tie a knot between the two ends of the thread/wool/shoelace and done it!

*If you have cello tape, you can use it in the knot



*Take one or two photos with the mobile phone/tablet and send them to my email pastor_pabbar@gva.es (specifying in the subject line or in the content the name of the task, your name, surname and class. For example: Necklace Adriana Nebot 1r A).

*Save the task because they will have to bring it to school



Fer un collar amb pasta

Necessites macarrons, fil/llana/cordó i retoladors

Instruccions: 1. Pinta 15-20 macarrons amb retoladors dels colors que vullgues. SIGUES CREATIU

2.Talla un tros de fil/llana/cordó adequat per a fer un collar

3.Passa macarrons pel fil/llana/cordó fins a que estiga ple

4.Fes un nus entre els dos extrems del fil/llana/cordó i fet!

*Si tens celo, pots ficar-lo en el nus



*Fer una o dos fotos i enviar-me-les al correu pastor_pabbar@gva.es (especificar en l’assumpte o en el contingut el nom del treball, nom, cognom i classe. Exemple: Collar Adriana Nebot 1r A.

*Guardar-lo i portar-lo a l’escola

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