6é ARTS AND CRAFTS – From 30th March to 3rd April

Handprint and finger painting art

Winter has ended and Spring has started!

All you need is a place to paint, some paints and a piece of paper, a cardboard or paperboard.

Then apply some paint on your hand or fingers and paint a Spring picture. Explore different angles and positions. Try to paint patterns on your hand – like lines, curves, and dots – and see what happens when you put your hand on the paper.

Be prepared for things to get a bit messy! Don’t forget: CREATIVITY!!

Here you have a sample of some Spring elements:


Below you have a sample of a handprint and finger painting Spring picture


*If you don’t have paints, paint it with a diferent kind (markers, felt tips pens, crayons,…) of material

*Write your name, surname, class and arts and crafts’ group



*Take one or two photos with the mobile phone/tablet and send them to my email pastor_pabbar@gva.es (specifying in the subject line or in the content the name of the task, your name, surname and class. For example: Handprint Spring art Laia Caño 6é A).

*Save the task because you will have to bring it to school