2nd A ARTS & CRAFTS – From 27th to 30th April

Dragon clothespin craft

Last Thursday was the Book Day and Saint George Day!

Make a dragon clothespin craft. You need: A green clothespin, a piece of paper/cardboard, glue, scissors and any material to paint (markers, felt tip pens, crayons,…).

Instructions: 1. Cut a piece of paper/cardboard as the body, the wings and the tongue of the dragon.

  1. Color the wings and the body with color green, and the tongue with color red.
  2. Stick the body on the clothespin and the wings on the body.
  3. Stick the tongue on the body.
  4. Draw two eyes.


Here you have a sample of a dragon clothespin craft:


*Take one or two photos with the mobile phone/tablet and send them to my email pastor_pabbar@gva.es (specifying in the subject line or in the content the name of the task, your name, surname and class. For example: Dragon craft Leo García 2nd A).

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