4t A ARTS AND CRAFTS – From 30th March to 3rd April

A String Phone (Telèfon amb iogurts)

All you need is: 2 yogurts, 2 needles (agulles)/toothpicks (furgadents)/paper clips and wool (llana)/cord (cable)/thread (fil).

Instructions: 1. Cut (talla) a long piece (tros) of wool/cord/thread. 10 or 15 meters is enough (n’hi ha prou).

2. Poke (fes) a small hole (forat) in the bottom (fons) of each (cada) yogurt.

3. Thread (passa) the wool/cord/thread through (a través) each yogurt and tie (nuga) knots (les puntes) at each end (extrem) of the yogurt with the needles/toothpicks/paper clips.

4. You can (pots) decorate (decorar) your phone.

Then (després) go to a different room (habitació) and try (intenta) to communicate (comunicar-te) with a member (membre) of your family! YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE FUN!!


Below you have a sample of a string phone


*Write your name, surname and class

CHOOSE (escull) ONE OPTION FROM THE FOLLOWING (de les següents)

*Take (fes) one or two photos with (amb) the mobile phone/tablet and send them (envia-les) to my email pastor_pabbar@gva.es (specifying in the subject line (assumpte) or in the content (contingut) the name of the task, your name, surname and class. For example: String phone Unai Marmaneu 4t A).

*Save (guardar) the task (feina) because (perquè) they will have to bring it (portar) to school