30th of September, 2022

Last day of Carola Viksten’s Job Shadowing experience. We organised the aims and mobilities of our eTwinning project “North & South”.

Últim dia de l’experiència Job Shadowing de Carola Viksten. Organitzem els objectius i mobilitats del nostre projecte eTwinning “North & South”.

29th of September, 2022

Today our students from the second year of Upper Secondary Education have shared their experiences from their mobility to Sweden in 2021 with Carola Viksten.

Hui els nostres alumnes de segon de Batxillerat han compartit amb Carola Viksten les seues experiències de la seua mobilitat a Suècia en 2021.

27th of September, 2022

We celebrate the “Day of the European Languages” at IES PUÇOL. The students who won the stated challenges were awarded their prizes.

Celebrem el “Dia de les Llengües Europees” en l’IES PUÇOL. Els alumnes guanyadors dels reptes plantejats van rebre els seus premis.

26th of September, 2022

IES PUÇOL welcomes our partner Carola Viksten from Sweden during a Job Shadowing visit.

IES PUÇOL dona la benvinguda a la nostra companya Carola Viksten de Suècia durant una visita de Job Shadowing.