Welcome to the ECAS Club

The students of 2nd year of CSE (Compulsory Secondary Education) who wish to be part of the ECAS Club have participated in the first activity organized to welcome them. They had fun in the greenhouse where they planted radishes in pots that they took home to take care of. They have also drawn their carbon footprint where they have indicated the actions they can take to reduce it. 

As of today, these students are part of the Erasmus family of IES Puçol and with great enthusiasm they will participate in the activities that will be organized within the KA121 project of the 23-24 academic year. 

Bienvenida al ECAS Club 

El alumnado de 2ESO que desea formar parte del ECAS Club ha participado en la primera actividad organizada para darles la bienvenida. Se han divertido en el invernadero donde han plantado rábanos en unas macetas que se han llevado a casa para cuidarlas.  También han dibujado su huella de carbono donde han indicado las acciones que pueden hacer ellos para reducirla. 

A partir de hoy, este alumnado forma parte de la familia Erasmus del IES Puçol y con mucha ilusión participarán en las actividades que se organizarán dentro del proyecto KA121 del curso 23-24. 

11th of October, 2023

Today we have enjoyed the second day of Erasmus days celebrations. Thanks to the ECA (European Civic Ambassador) Students Club for their participation and enthusiasm in the three proposed activities:  

Elderly people in progress. Service-learning activity carried out by our ECA students club from the first year of baccalaureate.  

Sustainability workshops:  

  •  Dream in green: Leave no trace. Where the ECA of second and third year have reflected on how to reduce their carbon footprint advised by the students of the interdisciplinary project of sustainability of Erasmus of 4th year.  
  •  They went to the vegetable garden where they planted cabbages and lettuce and to the greenhouse where they took a little radish in a pot to encourage the consumption of vegetables.  

 And of course the Ice Breaking dances that we put into practice every time our international Erasmus family visits us and which we love. 

Hui hem gaudit del segon dia de celebracions dels Erasmus Days. Gràcies al ECA (European Civic Ambassador) Students Club per la seua participació i il·lusió en les tres activitats proposades:  

Elderly people in progress. Activitat d’aprenentatge per servei a càrrec del nostre alumnat ECA Students Club de primer de batxillerat  

Tallers de sostenibilitat:  

  • Dream in green: No deixes empremta. On el ECA de segon i tercer han reflexionat en com reduir la seua petjada de carboni assessorats per l’alumnat del projecte interdisciplinari de sostenibilitat d’Erasmus de 4t  
  • Han acudit a l’hort on han sembrat cols i encisams i a l’hivernacle on s’han emportat un ravenet en test fomentant així el consum de verdures i hortalisses  

 I com no podia ser d’una altra forma els balls de Ice breaking que posem en pràctica cada vegada que ens visiten la nostra família internacional Erasmus i que ens encanten.