6é ORAL ENGLISH COMMUNICATION – From 30th March to 3rd April

We are going to review the grammatical structures of the English Class Book.

Let’s start with the structure “Where’s he/she from?” and the answer “He’s/She’s from …” (Page number 2 of the Class Book). For example: Where’s he from? He’s from Greece.

In the exercise 2 of the page number 2 there are 6 countries to practise (Canada, Ecuador,…).

Then you have to RECORD yourself with a mobile phone/tablet (in audio or video) saying the structure “Where’s he’she from?” and the answer “He’s/She’s from + a country”, with 6 different COUNTRIES.

You can use the countries of the exercise 2 of the page number 2, or different ones if you prefer (for instance: Where’s he from? He’s from Argentina). Here you have a web page with a list of the countries of the world


Below you have an example:



*Send the file to my email pastor_pabbar@gva.es (specifying in the subject line or in the content the name of the task, your name, surname and class. For example: Where’s he from Alvaro Fuertes  6é B).

*Transfer the file to a pen drive (USB) and bring it to school

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