4t ORAL ENGLISH COMMUNICATION – From 30th March to 3rd April

We are going to review (repassar) the grammatical structures (estructura gramatical) of the English Class Book.

Let’s start (començarem) with the structure “Do you like verb+ing?” and the answer (resposta) “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t” (Page number 3 of the Class Book). For example: Do you like rollerblading? Yes, I do.

In the page number 2 there are 8 verbs to practise (sleep, cook, help,…)

Then you have to RECORD yourselves (gravar-vos) with a mobile phone/tablet (in audio or video) saying the structure “Do you like verb+ing?” and the answer “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”, with 4 different VERBS.

You can (pots) use (fer servir) the verbs of the page number 2 or different ones (diferents) if you prefer (vols) (for instance: Do you like playing basketball?). YOU CAN DO IT!

Below you have an example:


CHOOSE (escull) ONE OPTION FROM THE FOLLOWING (de les següents)

*Send (enviar) the file (arxiu) to my email pastor_pabbar@gva.es (specifying in the subject line (assumpte) or in the content (contingut) the name of the task, your name, surname and class. For example: Do you like Gabriel Santos 4t B).

*Transfer (passa) the file to a pen drive (USB) and bring it (porta’l) to school