IES MEDITERRÀNIA school is coordinating KA2 ERASMUS + project as an Strategic partnership on a Education Schools. Our project will be developed from september 2015 to august 2016. The partnership has four schools across Europe, and they are IES Mediterrània (Benidorm, Alicante, Spain), Gimnazija Poljane (Slovenia), Wladyslava Gimnazjum (Poland) and Gimnaziala Ion Tuculescu (Romania). The startup company BenEdu and Consellería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Generalitat Valenciana are the other two partners on this important project. MUST means “Maths Understanding with help of Science & Technology“. The project website is: and everybody may visit us there to know about our project.


MUST main objective is to develope ICT-based materials aimed to enhance students achievement and development of basic competences. In order to achieve the general objective the following specific objectives are well defined:

1st. To develop 2 courses (1: Maths; 1: Physics) aimed to students aged 15-16 years. These courses will integrate a combination of classroom and online Moodle-based activities. The didactical approach will use Inquiry-based techniques and will be aimed to develop 21st century skills, such as inquiry, learn to learn and collaboration. Courses will be published under a Creative Commons licence and translated to English and to other partners’ languages.

2nd. To organise 6 teacher training activities, 4 at national level (1: Maths; 1: Physics on schoolyear 2014-2015 and another ones on 2015-2016), 2 at European level (5 days course next september 2015 in IES Mediterrània school and another online course next may 2016), in order to discuss MUST materials. In addition, the project server will offer free access to the online courses in order to facilitate networking between the MUST teacher group.

3rd. To engage 40/50 teachers in experimenting the materials developed in different classroom contexts involving about 800 students. MUST partners will contribute to the mentoring of teachers and monitoring student progress.


MUST is a great opportunity for working on a new more interactive, modern and efficient methodology. Moodle digital resources makes Science and Mathematics teacher’s tasks easier, because they can use a lot of high quality learning and teaching skills during lessons in their classrooms.

Our students will learn Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Mathematics with help of TICs resources, such as simulations, applets, animation and motion graphs and a wide range of interactive skills. Teachers can teach without classic textbooks, on the Moodle platform, controlling study time for each student and receiving exercises from the pupils on the online course.

Students will be more confidence and enthusiastic at learning with the new methodology. They will only need a PC, a tablet or a smartphone (mobile phone) connected to the Internet, at home or at school in a computer room. We shouldn’t forget that teenagers are using new technologies everyday and everywhere and our online courses are very attractive for them.