Durante un mes y medio hemos tenido la increíble oportunidad de participar en un programa Erasmus+ en Finlandia, una experiencia que recordaremos toda la vida. Fuimos tres compañeros de nuestro instituto quienes emprendimos este viaje con la emoción de descubrir una nueva cultura, un nuevo entorno y conocer a personas que han dejado una huella imborrable en nosotros.   

Desde el primer día, nos sentimos acogidos por las familias que nos recibieron en sus hogares. Compartir su día a día nos permitió adentrarnos de lleno en su estilo de vida: su cercanía con la naturaleza, su amor por la tranquilidad y su manera de convivir. Aprendimos mucho, desde probar platos típicos hasta experimentar la auténtica sauna finesa. 

El instituto (Järvenpään lukio) donde estudiamos durante nuestra estancia fue simplemente impresionante. Además de sus modernas instalaciones, el enfoque educativo finlandés nos sorprendió por completo: clases prácticas, un ambiente relajado y profesores siempre dispuestos a ayudarnos. Esto ayuda a explicar por qué su sistema educativo es tan admirado en todo el mundo.  

Más allá de las clases, pudimos disfrutar de actividades al aire libre y explorar paisajes increíbles, desde los bosques hasta los lagos e, incluso, auroras boreales. No obstante, lo más especial de esta experiencia fueron las personas que conocimos: estudiantes y familias que ahora consideramos amigos para toda la vida.   

En conclusión, esta movilidad Erasmus+ no solo nos ha permitido mejorar nuestro inglés y ampliar nuestros horizontes, sino también crecer como personas y valorar aún más otras culturas. Finlandia nos ha dejado recuerdos inolvidables y nos ha enseñado que el intercambio cultural es una de las formas más enriquecedoras de aprender.   

Agradecemos a nuestro instituto por ofrecernos esta oportunidad y animamos a todos los estudiantes a participar en este tipo de programas. ¡Es una experiencia única que no se pueden perder! 


For a month and a half we had the incredible opportunity to participate in an Erasmus+ program in Finland, an experience that we will remember for a lifetime. We were three classmates from our high school who undertook this trip with the excitement of discovering a new culture, a new environment and meeting people who have left an indelible mark on us. 

From the first day, we felt welcomed by the families who welcomed us into their homes. Sharing their daily life allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in their way of life: their closeness to nature, their love for tranquility and their way of living together. We learned a lot, from tasting typical dishes to experiencing the authentic Finnish sauna. 

The high school (Järvenpään lukio) where we studied during our stay was simply amazing. In addition to its modern facilities, the Finnish educational approach completely surprised us: practical classes, a relaxed atmosphere and teachers always ready to help us. This helps explain why their educational system is so admired worldwide.   

Beyond the classes, we were able to enjoy outdoor activities and explore incredible landscapes, from forests to lakes and even northern lights. However, the most special part of this experience was the people we met: students and families that we now consider friends for life. 

In conclusion, this Erasmus+ mobility has not only allowed us to improve our English and broaden our horizons, but also to grow as people and appreciate other cultures even more. Finland has left us with unforgettable memories and has taught us that cultural exchange is one of the most enriching ways to learn.    

We thank our institute for offering us this opportunity and we encourage all students to participate in this type of program, it is a unique experience not to be missed! 


Al nostre IES Puçol del 14 al 19 d’ octubre de 2024 s’ han celebrat els ERASMUS DAYS  a través de diferents activitats . 

En primer lloc, dimarts 15 es va realitzar al saló d’ actes per als alumn@s interessats en formar part dels diferents projectes, una exposició organitzada pels alumn@s del curs passat de primer de Batxiller que realitzaren l’ estada de llarga durada a Finlandia.       . 

Al dia següent, dimecres 16 i novament al saló d’ actes, es va explicar el projecte “DREAM IN GREEN” que es va dur a terme en col·laboració amb alumnes d’ un Institut d’ Alemanya.      . Aquest projecte en concret va durar dos anys durant els quals es varen dur a terme visites dels estudiants alemanys ací a Espanya i viceversa.  

Amb ambdues exposicions contades en primera persona pels alumn@s, es va pretendre traslladar les experiències viscudes, a la vegada que mostrar les diferents possibilitats d’ estades a Europa tant de curta com de llarga durada. A partir d’ ahí, se’ls va repartir a l’ alumnat interessat les sol·licituds per a formar part del Club Ambaixador.  

Per a clausurar els ERASMUS DAYS, dijous 17 aquells alumn@s que presentaren la sol·licitud emplenada i signada per les famílies, realitzaren una activitat a l’hivernacle de l’ IES on varen trasplantar unes plantetes per a simbolitzar l’ inici d’ una nova vivència acadèmica com a Equip Ambaixador Cívic Europeu. 


                 HABEMUS ERASMUS DAYS !!!  

In our IES Puçol from 14 to 19 October 2024 ERASMUS DAYS have been celebrated through different activities.  

 First of all, on Tuesday the 15th was held in the auditorium for students interested in being part of the different projects, an exhibition carried out by the students of last year’s first year of high school who made the long stay in Finland.  

The next day, Wednesday the 16th and again in the auditorium, the project “DREAM IN GREEN” was explained, which was carried out in collaboration with students from an institute in Germany. 

Description generated automatically . This particular project lasted two years during which there were visits of the German students here in Spain and vice versa.   

The next day, Wednesday the 16th and again in the auditorium, the project “DREAM IN GREEN” was explained, which was carried out in collaboration with students from an institute in Germany. 

Description generated automatically . This particular project lasted two years during which there were visits of the German students here in Spain and vice versa. With both exhibitions told in first person by the students, the aim was to transfer the experiences lived and at the same time to show the different possibilities of stays in Europe, both short and long term. From there, applications to join the Ambassador Club were distributed to interested students. 

To close the ERASMUS DAYS, on Thursday 17th those students who brought the applications completed and signed by the families, carried out an activity in the greenhouse of the IES in which they planted some seedlings to symbolize the beginning of a new academic experience as a European Civic Ambassador Team. 


THE ART OF SPORT: 1st mobility LINZ  in PUÇOL 

La setmana del 27 al 2 de setembre/octubre varem rebre a les alumnes i professores austriacs de l’Institut BRG Hamerling, Linz i així, seguir col·laborant en el projecte “The Art of Sport”. En aquest projecte desenvolupem amb major profunditat l’ objectiu número 5 de la nostra acreditació Erasmus “Fomentar estils de vida saludables per a millorar la salut de l’ alumnat”, en relació amb els objectius de desenvolupament sostenible 3, 4, 5 i 12. 

Una setmana amb visites a València, com la Plaça de l’ Ajuntament on passàrem una bona estona passejant; Mestalla, l’estadi de fútbol; l’ Albufera on pujàrem a una barca; i la platja de Puçol on poguérem divertir-nos amb jocs d’aigua. A més de tastar la típica gastronomia de València. 

Estem ansioses per anar l’ última setmana de març a Linz i seguir amb els projectes d’ Etwinning. 

The week of September/October 27th/2nd we welcomed the Austrian students and teachers from the BRG Hamerling Institute, Linz and to continue collaborating in the project “The Art of Sport”. In this project we develop in greater depth objective number 5 of our Erasmus accreditation “Promote healthy lifestyles to improve the health of students”, in relation to sustainable development goals 3, 4, 5 and 12. 

A week with visits to Valencia, such as the Plaza del Ayuntamiento where we had a good time taking a walk; Mestalla, the football stadium; l’Albufera where we got on a boat; and Puzol beach where we could have fun with water games. In addition to trying the typical gastronomy of Valencia. 

We are looking forward to going to Linz the last week of March and continuing with the Etwinning projects. 

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