We started our LTT4 mobility in IES Puçol, within the Erasmus KA220 project “External and Internal Conflict Management in School”. We are visited this week by 17 students and 9 teachers from Greece, Sweden, Portugal and Austria. Our host students and the Internationalization Team, with Flor Borja and Elena McElroy as coordinators, have prepared a large number of activities and workshops for them. Today they have made presentations of their countries, cities and institute, received a lecture on Cybersecurity by Elena Campaña and have played games and dances in the gym of the institute and on the beach.
Iniciem la nostra movilitat LTT4 a l’ES de Puçol, dins del projecte Erasmus KA220 “External and Internal Conflict Management in School”. Ens visiten aquesta setmana 17 alumnes i 9 professors i professores gregs, suecs, portuguesos i austriacs. El nostre alumnat amfitrió i l’Equip d’Internalització, amb Flor Borja i Elena McElroy com a coordinadores, els han preparat un gran número d’activitats i tallers diversos. Hui han fet presentacions dels seus països, ciutats i instituts, han rebut una conferència sobre Ciberseguretat a càrrec d’Elena Campaña i han realitzat jocs i balls al gimnàs de l’institut i en la platja.