29th of March, 2023

Students and teachers of the Erasmus group have travelled to Strasbourg, where they have enjoyed a guided visit to the European Parliament and have watched some videos of a MEP from Asperg and another one from Lugo explaining its functions and the meaning of European citizenship. Afterwards, they got to know the city of Strasbourg by strolling and participating in a ginkana. 

Alumnat i professorat del grup Erasmus ha viatjat a Estrasburg, on han gaudit d’una visita guiada pel Parlament Europeu i han visualitzat uns vídeos d’un eurodiputat d’Asperg i un altre de Lugo explicant les seues funcions i el significat de la ciutadania europea. A continuació, han conegut la ciutat d’Estrasburg fent una passejada i participant en una ginkana. 

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