First Transnational Meeting
First transnational meeting of “Breaking Walls” Erasmus+ Project KA229 Four groups of students and teachers from the four countries have introduced themselves. Then each group has selected the best photographs with an inclusive theme.
Aprenentatge global permanent
Les necessitats de l’IES MARIA MOLINER en termes de desenvolupament de la qualitat i la internacionalització es reparteixen en diferents àrees susceptibles de millora i entronquen amb els objectius actuals de la comunitat educativa.A. COMPETÈNCIES LINGÜÍSTIQUES: millora i desenvolupament de les competències comunicatives del professorat i les seues destreses en l’idioma anglés amb l’objectiu de … Llegiu més
A Tribute to Strong Women
March 8, Women’s Day. Our mothers, too. We interviewed them because we also want to make them visible.
Christmas card activity
Working on Christmas postcards. We have sent many cards and received many as well.
Vídeo presentacions en Padlet
Padlet amb totes les vídeo presentacions del centre. Cada país participant en aquest projecte Erasmus KA2 ha creat el seu Padlet per a presentar-se.
Let’s get started
Our project is proposed as an integrating experience of different cultures, languages and curricular areas. We will work about spaces from different types of activities being the use of spaces very important in times of covid pandemia. To begin with, we are going to introduce ourselves and that is why we are preparing videos to … Llegiu més