Activities in Spain. There are links everywhere:
1. Workshops for teachers (INCIBE) and families in IES María Moliner
2. Cyberbullying and Cybertutoring
3. Domus Baebia: epigraphy workshop in Sagunt
5. eTwinning: learning how to use it for Erasmus+ projects

6. Geolocalization activity in Valencia
Blogger created as a tool for the event.
7. Visit and interview at the local radio station Onda Cero
Difusión KA2 FOR YOU Erasmus+ 30 años

CEFIRE Sagunt – Jornades “Coneixent Erasmus+: bones pràctiques” 11 i 12 de desembre de 2017

9. Surveys about ICT
Graphics and statistics of survey nº1.pdf (30k)
Media survey_Teachers.pdf (200k)
Media survey_students.pdf (208k)