Coaching interpais for employment 2019 – 2022

Duration 01/09/2019 al 31/08/2022

The main objective of the project

To promote the employability of VET students through the effective use of social networks and the training of 6 VET students who will be “Digital Coaches”.

Other objectives of the project are:

-To extend the learning community created with previous projects in order to promote the internationalisation of the activities carried out by the VET schools

-To use coaching as a peer-to-peer learning methodology as the “digital coaches” will offer advice and information on the use of social networks for employment.

-Integrating new learning methodologies (formal, non-formal, and informal) in VET schools

-Encourage cooperation between enterprises and VET institutions – Authorities in charge of employment and education policies to achieve full employment.

-Improve the attractiveness of VET to be selected as a first choice by students and families

The partners involved in the project are:

IES Lluis Simarro – Spain

IES Abastos – Spain


Sdrenja skola Dugo Selo- Croatia

Colegiul national Unirea- Romania

Associacao empresarial de Penafiel- Portugal

Transnational mobilities

Along the project the “digital coaches” will participate in a transnational training activity in Croatia where they will have the opportunity to work with other VET students from the participating countries.

For further information visit: