Nº de projecte 2020-1-ES01-KA107-080925
PROGRAMA ERASMUS+ KA107 “Mobilitat per a pràctiques”
Pràctiques d’Estètica Integral i Benestar al Marroc
Març-maig 2023
Olga F. i Yaiza M.
CFGS Estètica Integral i Benestar
Salam Alekum! Bonjour, je suis Yaiza. Et moi je m’appelle Olga. Nous étudions Esthétique intégrale et bien-être au lycée IES Salvador Gadea. Nous sommes actuellement à Marrakech pour faire un stage professionnel dans un spa avec une bourse Erasmus.
We are doing our internship in a spa called Mythic Oriental Spa. We give massages and do the famous Moroccan hammam. The Moroccan hammam is the traditional Arabic steam bath. They apply a black soup called ‘beldi’, then you relax for 5 minutes and they exfoliate the skin with a glove called ‘kiis’. After the scrub they rinse the skin and remove the dead cells. When the hammam is finished, it’s time for the massage. There are three types of massage: relaxing, invigorating or ayurvedic, and we perform them with different oils, butter or hot wax. After the massage, we serve Moroccan tea with Moroccan cookies at the roof-top of the spa.
This city is amazing, the people are so kind and thankful. Every place has something special to see. The Medina is awesome but so busy. But for us the best of all is the Moroccan food, like the cous-cous or the tajine and the sweets; they have amazing desserts and they use a lot of dried food in them. Everything is so different from what we are used to in Spain.
If you are thinking of going on Erasmus, don’t give it a second thought. Just do it! It’s an opportunity you will never have again and now it’s the moment to do it. If you miss it, you will regret it.