
In this section you will find help topics such as an enquiry form, a glossary of terms of the project, and some frequently asked questions that will help you on any doubts you may have about the Digital Learning Plan.


What is the Digital Learning Plan?

The Digital Learning Plan (DLP) is a project for the digital transformation of education that originates from the education improvement policies of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP). The project is carried out through two programmes:

  1. The Territorial Cooperation Programme (TCP) for the Digitalisation of the Educational System (#EcoDigEdu).
  1. The Territorial Cooperation Programme (TCP) for the Improvement of the Digital Competence of Educators (#DigCompEdu).

What is #EcoDigEdu?

The Plan for the Digitalisation of the Educational System (#EcoDigEdu) focuses on actions aimed at providing digital media in schools and reduces the students’ digital gap. It addresses the improvement of digital equipment in the classroom and will provide teachers with specialised training.

These actions will guarantee:  

  • Provision of portable devices to reduce the students’ digital gap.
  • Installation and maintenance of Interactive Digital Classrooms in schools.  
  • Specialised teacher training in the functioning of all the equipment supplied to schools.

What is #DigCompEdu? 

The Plan for the Improvement of the Digital Competence of Educators (#DigCompEdu) establishes two priorities: promoting the development of a high-performing digital educational ecosystem and enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital age.  

The actions will guarantee to:  

  • Create a network of #DigCompEdu managers.  
  • Promote the digital competence of schools: School Digital Plans. 
  • Train educators to improve their digital competence.

What is the SDP? 

The SDP (School Digital Plan) is an instrument that will encourage and promote the use of digital media both in the teaching-learning processes and in the management and communication of schools. It aims to contribute to the holistic development of students. This plan will be part of the School’s Educational Project (SEP), the Management Project and the Annual General Programme (AGP). 

School Digital Plan Guide (INTEF) 

What is SELFIE? 

SELFIE is a free tool developed by the European Union, customisable and easy to use, which aims to help schools to assess where they stand with learning in the digital age.

SELFIE website  

How can I assess my school?  

All you have to do is access the SELFIE website, create a school account and follow the instructions to generate links to the questionnaires for different profiles. Your SDP mentor will support you at all times.

Can I see the results of my school’s analysis? 

Yes. When all questionnaires have been filled in, the school’s SDP coordinator will have access to a full statistics report with responses to each of the profiles. 

Will there be any specialised training to design the SDP? 

There will be a training plan for all SDP coordinators, who will also have the support of their own SDP mentor. 

Where can I find some regulations? 

BOE of September 23, 2021: Resolution of September 10, 2021, of the Secretary of State for Education, by which the Agreement of the Education Sector Conference of July 21, 2021, of the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

What effects does the School Digital Plan (SDP) have on the School’s Educational Project (SEP)? 

The School Digital Plan is an instrument that should encourage and promote the use of digital media both in the teaching-learning and school management processes. Its ultimate goal is to contribute to a comprehensive development of students. For this reason, it must be an instrument that is integrated into the School’s Educational Project, the Management Project and the Annual General Programme. 

School Digital Plan Guide (INTEF) 

Why is the SDP useful? 

According to the Article 121 of the Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, the School Digital Plan must include the school’s digital strategy. In the Valencian Region, this strategy is articulated through the DLP (Digital Learning Plan).  

We must see the Digital Learning Plan as an opportunity that provides advice and support in improving the digital competence of both schools and educators.

Who will help us design this project? 

For the design, implementation and evaluation of this plan, the mentors of the Digital Plan for Schools will help schools at all times. These mentors will provide guidance and training throughout the different stages of the project. With the digital transformation, schools will optimise processes, which will lead to a higher performance in the organisational and pedagogical dimensions. 

The DLP, within the #DigCompEdu Framework of the TCP (Territorial Cooperation Project), has 108 mentors to guide and train teachers throughout the 2021-22 school year. They will also assist schools in preparing their SDP. During the 2022-23 school year, this figure will increase to 502 mentors, who will contribute to the implementation and evaluation of the SDP. 

Who will design the SDP? 

In the initial stages of the plan, each school will design its own SDP, always with the guidance of a team that will be made up of a member of the school leadership team, the school’s #DigCompEdu and the school’s ICT coordinators.  

The school’s #DigCompEdu coordinator will orchestrate the development and revision of the school’s Digital Plan. 

The whole team will be accompanied by the school’s own digital mentor at all times. 

Official Gazzete

Our school already has a Digital Plan. Do we need an SDP?  

Yes. If your school already has an ICT Plan, this will be reflected in the school’s diagnosis. The SDP starts with a previous analysis of the ICT situation in your school with the help of the SELFIE tool. The plan proposes actions that:  

  • Improve both the students’ and teachers’ digital competence, as well as the digitisation of schools.  
  • Promote the creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) in a digital format. 
  • Promote active methodologies and advanced digital skills.  

These actions will be reflected in a document, the SDP, which must have a format adapted to the regulations of the Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport.

How does the SDP contribute to our school? 

The SDP will promote the school’s communication as regards its internal organisation, thanks to the creation of a shared project that brings together the standards of management and use of technologies, as well as with the social milieu, improving the relationship between its members and the external entities that comprise the educational reality.  

The SDP will contribute to making more competent schools that are ready to respond to current challenges, which will result in pedagogical improvements.

How does the SDP contribute to the teaching-learning process? 

The SDP contributes to the improvement of both teachers’ and students’ digital competences. In addition, it expands the digital resources that facilitate active and inclusive methodologies in the teaching practice.