ERASMUS+ 2020-2021 – Pràctiques d’Estètica a Malta

Durant el curs passat, Laura i Alicia, dues alumnes del cicle formatiu de grau superior d’Estètica integral i benestar de l’IES Salvador Gadea, van realitzar una mobilitat a Malta per al seu període de pràctiques FCT en un spa de la famosa cadena Pearl Spas. En acabar, l’empresa els va oferir un contracte laboral i hui dia continuen treballant allí. Ací podeu llegir una entrevista que els han realitzat:


Say ‘Hola’ 👋 to two of our lovely therapists Alicia & Laura haling all the way from Spain.

How did you join the Pearl Spas team?

As part of our Higher Vocational Studies in Aesthetics and Wellness, we were looking for a place to do our Erasmus internship. Seeing the environment and the opportunity that Pearl Spas offered we contacted Jessica and have remained in Malta after our internship!

What is your biggest satisfaction?

I try to make the client comfortable in each treatment, I think it is necessary to take a moment and disconnect from the outside world taking care of oneself. I feel responsible that a client is trusting me with an hour of their time to feel better. So what definitely satisfies me is when I surpass their expectations of the treatment they requested.

I love seeing the results of my treatments, with my clients enjoy the moment and leave totally relaxed. I notice the difference between the start of the treatment, where the client is nervous and tense – to the totally different energy they have after the treatment. I enjoy seeing how I can improve this in my day to day work

How do relax after a long day?

I like to disconnect in different ways. One of them is to go to the beach &bathe in very cold water so that my legs have perfect circulation. Another one is going to the gym for a feel-good training session. When getting home I love to prepare a good coffee, enjoying it in my favourite spot.

After work, I like to go to the gym or go for a swim in the sea to relax. When I arrive home I love to take a warm relaxing bath.

What is your favourite treatment?
I would recommend a scrub to start, followed by a wrap, finishing off with a relaxing full body massage with an oriental head massage. A two-hour treatment that will take you straight to the stars without leaving Malta.

I recommend doing the Pearl Spas Signature Massage. I think when you finish this treatment you will feel like a new person. I would also recommend the intense hydration facial because everyone needs to hydrate their skin, especially after a hot summer.