📢 Help the 5th class to save the African rainforest! “Mobilitza’t per la selva!”

The 5th grade students are collaborating with the Mobilitza’t per la selva program. From the English area, the class has prepared an outreach campaign to publicize their mission.

Posters, murals, videos and a collection point for old cell phones are part of their work in this learning situation.

Bring your used cell phone to the school entrance (there is a container box ready) and we will send them for recycling! Every 30 mobiles we will be able to sponsor a chimpanzee for a year! 🐒😍

“Mobilitza’t per la selva” is the cell phone recycling campaign that was born as an initiative of the educational program of the Jane Goodall Institute Spain. The objectives of this campaign are several and very important.

On the one hand, it seeks to raise public awareness about the impact of our way of consuming these electronic products. The high demand for coltan, cassiterite and other minerals to manufacture these devices has serious consequences in our environment and in the places of origin, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). There, the war for control of the mines has already caused more than 5 million deaths and almost 3 million refugees, as well as deforestation, pollution and the killing of endangered animals such as gorillas and chimpanzees.

On the other hand, it promotes the reuse and recycling of unused cell phones and tablets. This can prolong their useful life or that of their components and, when this is not possible, it promotes the correct management of waste. The fact that the materials can be reused in the manufacture of new devices reduces the need to continue exploiting mines such as those in the DRC.

The funds obtained from the recycling of the devices are destined to the development of educational and conservation projects in Africa, thus helping the communities, animals and ecosystems of an area highly affected by the exploitation of these resources.

Take your old cell phone to La Rambla!



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