This project is designed as a key support to the E+ project we have applied for. We intend to design activities for blended learning, to combine face-to-face with virtual interactions, so that we can make the most of our project. The etwinning side of our project will aim at boosting students' confidence through virtual exchanges, forging lasting relationships and spreading the scope of the E+ project to many more students than the ones who will actually take part in the physical mobilities.
Blog of the project: https://heritapperasmus.
Twinspace: https://twinspace.etwinning.
Schoolsnet for communication was born to fulfill our students' need for real and challenging communication spaces. It met with a former schools and teachers' worknet which started a few years ago through a Comenius project, Europesland, and kept on as a part of its Sustainability Plan.
We did enjoy our time and work together and that synergy was the spark which lit the fire and started it all. Neighbour Primary Education Schools joined us pushing hard with their enthusiasm and boosting it. We also needed a formal environment to provide with a frame to collect our work and we found the best on etwinning.
Blog of the project http://
Human Rights in a European Community of Values aims to give value and validity to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, framing said declaration in collective values that served as a foundation to build the European Community and addressing future challenges to come
eTwinning of the project:
Blog of the project: