
The project of sport, physical activity and health (PEAFS) is the document frame where collect the philosophy, aims, plans, performances and activities for the promotion of the physical activity and the sport with the aim to form at healthy habits and nurture at values, that realises at the educational centre, so much at his own installations how out of them.

With our project, "El Sanchis es mou . Som esport", we offer a multi-sport practice, so that the students can meet distinct sportive modalities and healthy physical activities.

We consider that an educational centre can not limit his activities, but that has to give fit at others that permit to provide at the new students experiences and possibilities of learning and of account. Everything that, permits that the educational offer magnify thru those elements that complement the nurture and that further values, attitudes and habits of significant importance at the training of the persons.

The sportive practice has to view how a mode no only to maintain and/or improve the physical condition of our young students, but that permits to educate at distinct values, so much necessary at the ongoing society.

The sport practiced among partners improves the coexistence, especially if at his practice teaches at applying and at accepting the norms; and it permits to develop the concept of clean game of suitable mode and, which thing is more important, the respect for all the partners/ promoting values of equality in front of a same fact.

The principal aim of our project ""El Sanchis es mou . Som esport", is to increase the turnout of the students at the sportive practice, and a time conformed this first aim, has to promoting at the students a healthy lifestyle through the sport, that will have to adapt at his ages,  comprised mostly among the 3 and 12 years.

In addition, achieve that these activities realise at the educational centre permits that this cease to represent a room with an only function and pass at being room multifuntional, where also educates at values and promotes the healthy life. At this multifuntionality is the germ of a main integration at the neighbourhood, considered how a human and social enclave of coexistence, where *conflueixen no only students, teachers and parents but also sports clubs, neighbourhood associations, and other communities, increasing social integration.