Xarxa Llibres

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The CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara takes part in the bank of books of Council since the course 2016/2017.


The operation of the Xarxa-llibres (bank of school books), comes regulated at the Order 26/2016 of the Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Esport.


Can take part in the Program of Bank of Books all the students enrolled at the Centre at the course 2020-2021, with the following conditions. All the information comes collected at Pàgina Web de la Conselleria d'Educació:

1) The students of 1st and 2nd of Primary will make use of the Cheque-Llibre.

At these levels utilise books to work all the process of *lecto-scripture writing on them and, therefore,  can not reuse. At all the students of 1st and 2nd of Primary corresponds him a cheque-book. With the cheque-book can buy the books of the listings published here at the web at any bookshop. The cheque-book uses to deliver, for part of the address, at ends of August or at the principle of September. It will warn and will inform at the families, through this Web and the official modes.

2) Students that already has taken part in the Program the previous course. (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th)

The pupils/ace that already are participants of the Program Bank of Books, so much the pertinent of Primary School of other Centres of in the Valencian Community, how the already enrolled at this School the previous course, do not have to contribute any documentation. At onset of course will loan the ones the books together with the betrothal signed of the families for his conservation and posterior return, what use to to deliver the tutors and the tutors the first weeks of the course.

3) Students that has not taken part anteriorly at the Program. (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th)

To take part for the first time at the Program Bank of Books, the procedure will be the following:

a) If the pupil has his own books (according to the account of textbooks), will let the ones at the Centre, lined and at good conditions, at ending the course. Beside the books, will present application filled (telematic or physical) of turnout at the Program of Bank of Books.

b) If the pupil comes of a centre of out of the Valencian Community, will present the application filled (telematic or physical) of turnout at the Program of Bank of Books.

Obligations of families:

- Pay attention at the communications of the Centre on bank of books: informative circulars, meetings...
- Encircle rigidly at the norms that levy the Council or the Centre for the turnout at the bank of books. Respect the procedures and terms established.
- Hand the textbooks in good state of conservation of use at the ending of the school course. Return also the covers or linings.
- Credit the quantity that establish the Centre at the case that have *extraviat or made *malbé any of the books that the Centre has ceded at the family.
- Foster among the children/the practical daughters of good use of the material, at special of the textbooks.

Obligations of students:

- Preserve the good state at the textbooks: not to miss them, not writing at them or paint them, have cure of them...


The no fulfillment of these conditions supposes the exclusion of the Program of Bank of Books for the following course.