
Menjador Escolar

  • The two buildings share the menjador service.
  • The price of the menu is €4.35 for students, which is usually the case for any eventuality (to the extent that it takes time to purchase pads of 5 tickets for €21.75). The ticket stubs can be purchased at the concierge desk of the Sanchis Guarner Building and at the Marjals Building, at times determined by the Management. Students must pay the service fees through direct debit with the monthly amount. . Full information about the menus will be provided monthly, which can also be found in this section of the website.
  • Menjador assistance assistance: In the month of July, families can request assistance assistance for the coming year. It is not possible to claim the remainder of the school year.
  • Rules of the menjador: In order for the coexistence of the menjador to be pleasant for everyone, it is necessary to have some rules that everyone must respect. The student who does not comply with the rules may be deprived of the student's rights for a period of time proportional to the infraction committed.