El departament d’electricitat participa en un nou projecte Erasmus+ anomenat Robintech

Erasmus project – Towards networking and collaborative teaching materials in field of industrial robotics (ROBINTECH)

CECIMO ( European Association of Manufacturing Technologies) report highlighted that 67.7% of enterprises consider Robotics Specialist as a highly significant professional profile for the near future. Overwhelming majority of European enterprises consider technicians for automation and mechatronic systems are the most wanted specialists in industries to operate mechatronic systems.

There is a skills gap between expectations and what educational institutions can offer. Critics report that VET/university graduates are not immediately employable and they need to go through a long training process in companies before they can start performing tasks independently.

From the educational institutions point of view there are two main needs in improving situation in teaching automation and industrial robotics:
* Industry collaboration and partnering with companies to update teachers’ skills and bring current expertise to education.
* Available teaching resources through collaboration, as existing resources are limited.

The project will develop networking of partner VET schools and companies to share knowledge and increase quality of automation and robotics training.
* to connect robotics and automation teachers with practitioners in industries to improve teachers professional competencies;
* to create and test new teaching materials in the field of industrial robotics and automation and put them into practice to streamline training in VET education.

Main activities are:
* teachers joint trainings and internship programme in companies;
* creating of 5 set of teaching materials of automation and robotics (EQF level 4);
* piloting and evaluating new materials;
* translating, localising and editing teaching materials in 5 languages;
* publishing and promoting the use of 25 new training modules for practical automation and industrial robotics training

Main results of the project are:
* active networking for skills development between participating VET schools and associated partners
* 25 new and quality training materials to provide quality training in industrial robotics and automation
* use of the results to streamline the quality of VET education in participating countries.

* Tartu Vocational College (EE)
* ROC Mondriaan (NL)

01.11.2024 – 30.04.2027

Project manager: 
Kaire Mets (kaire.mets@voco.ee)

Educació realitza adaptacions en la prova d’accés a la universitat per a les persones amb necessitats específiques de suport educatiu

La Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura, Universitats i Ocupació ha publicat en el Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV) instruccions per a l’adaptació en les proves d’accés a les universitats públiques valencianes (PAU-Prova d’accés a la universitat i PAM-Prova d’accés a la universitat per a majors) per a les persones amb necessitats específiques de suport educatiu.

Acord de la Comissió Gestora en relació a adaptacions en la PAU i PAM 2025 per a estudiantat afectat per la DANA del dia29 d’octubre de 2024.

Flexibilització de les dates de les convocatòries ordinària i extraordinària per a l’alumnat afectat per la DANA del 29 d’octubre.

PDF de l’acord

Donació de sang

En coordinació amb el centre de transfusió de la Comunitat Valenciana hem organitzat un dia de donació de sang.

 Serà el proper dia 26 de gener al saló d’actes en el següent horari:

Matí de 9:30 a 13:30  

Vesprada de 16:00 a 20:00.

No cal recordar la importància de la donació de sang.

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