Autoponic: A Digital and Sustainable Hydroponic Farming.

The applied innovation developed in this project, led by IES Palmeral de Orihuela, where inter-school cooperation is fostered between IES Navarro Santafé de Villena and IES Severo Ochoa de Elche, once again demonstrates the cutting-edge vocational training in our region.

The initial goal of this project was the construction of a hydroponic farm adapted to renewable energy, but it didn’t stop there. Over these two years, environmental technological innovation has been applied, employing active methodologies for challenge-based learning. Upon completion of this project, a network of shared knowledge will have been established, facilitating the most suitable and updated integration into the agri-food and technological business fabric for our vocational training students.

In essence, as demonstrated in this blog, a broader and more satisfying impact than expected is achieved, improving the teaching-learning process by:

MOTIVATING students and enhancing their skills.

UPDATING teachers and creating connections between departments to achieve common goals more efficiently.

By implementing 4th industrial revolution technologies (IoT, data prediction with AI, sensory technologies…), training is aligned with the needs of the agricultural and environmental sectors, while also raising students’ awareness of environmental issues such as drought.

Generating and sharing resources encourages ongoing collaboration, ensuring the continuity of this project in the immediate future.