CIDA is participating in the European project PaViVET

PAVIVET aims to harness the power of video as a high-impact methodological tool for students with functional diversity in Vocational Training. This innovative project will develop training initiatives centered around the creation and use of instructional videos, specifically designed to enhance learning for individuals with manipulative and auditory disabilities.

The project will start with a comprehensive mapping of the specific competencies needed by students and teachers at the European level. Subsequently, a unique and context-adapted training will be guided and tested within the European framework, focusing on the requirements of the targeted community.

This transnational project is a collaborative effort involving five partners from Spain, Finland, and Germany: FUNDEUN, CIDA (Advanced Digital Innovation Center of the Valencian Community, DGFP of the Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo), AMMATIOPISTO SPESIA, SOWIBEFO Verein für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung und Forschung e. V., and KJF Werkstätten gemeinnützige GmbH.

For more information, visit the project page at FUNDEUN, the project leader
