LARA is a research and innovation project applied to Vocational Education and Training (FP in Spanish) aimed at developing a technological solution in the form of an AI-based app. This solution will facilitate communication for individuals with speech dysfunction.

The three participating centers, IES Victoria Kent, IES Gran Vía, and IES Severo Ochoa, with the latter serving as the coordinating center of excellence, join forces and collaborate across different vocational training cycles to develop this application. It not only creates a tool but also enables the training of students in digital competencies and, most importantly, in soft skills.

These vocational training centers continue their work in the Vocational Training in Attention to People in Dependency Situations, Vocational Training in Communicative Mediation, and the Specialization Course in AI and Big Data for comprehensive education, serving society with quality education adapted to societal demands.

Once again, it is demonstrated how inter-center collaborative learning, based on a real and human challenge, places the focus on people.

For more information, visit the project’s website: Project LARA

Logotipo proyecto LARA