The 6th grade students are participating in an eTwinning project entitled “Let’s flip our learning”. From January to June they will work collaboratively, in English, with other schools in Turkey.

This is how beautiful our collaborative title made by the 6 centers that participated in the project turned out.


To introduce ourselves to our project partners, each student created an avatar with Pixton.

We are looking for a LOGO and a POSTER for our project.

The students of each center have created a proposal for a logo and poster. These are the logos created in La Rambla. The first one represented our center.

And those are the posters. The first one was chosen to represent us:

Finally, we launched a survey to the educational community to select just one. In this video are the results:

Technology use survey

The students and teachers participating in the project have answered a survey to evaluate the mastery and use of technologies. Here you can see the analysis of the results.

Aquesta imatge té l'atribut alt buit; el seu nom és pre-survey-pic-story-jumper-1024x776.jpg


On March 3, the first virtual meeting between students and teachers from the 6 centers took place. In this case, the 6 coordinating students from La Rambla participated. They all presented themselves orally and had the opportunity to see what our classmates’ classrooms are like. It was very exciting!

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