Teatre anglés

   We are going to the Theatre!

   Next Friday, 22nd of January, we are going to Genovés to see a play and it is in English! It’s title is " Blacklight Symphonies" We are working on some vocabulary and structures that will appear in the play, so we could understand everything. We are really excited and looking forward to seeing the play! 

   Ens en anem al teatre!

   El pròxim divendres 22 de gener, ens en anem a Genovés a vore una obra de teatre en anglés! Es diu " Blacklight Symphonies" A classe estem treballant algunes estructures i vocabulari que apareixerà en l’obra, així que aenm a entrendre-ho tot. Tenim moltes ganes de veure l’obra!