
Arrancamos Lara en Sevilla

4 de November de 2024


23 de October de 2024

Mediación escolar entre iguales

13 de October de 2024

Certificación ISO 9001:2015

12 de October de 2024

El fil invisible

3 de October de 2024

Colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Elche

24 de September de 2024

La voz del alumnado

24 de April de 2024

22-F Día de la igualdad salarial

20 de March de 2024

Tirant i Carmesina 2024

16 de February de 2024

Premio AD10 Proyecto Lara

29 de December de 2023

Educational Offer

The educational offer at Severo Ochoa Secondary Education school ranges from CSE, A Levels (Spanish Baccalaureate), Vocational and Educational Training (VET) Courses and Specialisation Courses, in both face-to-face and blended format, morning and afternoon shifts. In this way, we cater for the needs of a large number of students who, due to work demands, are unable to attend lessons or, if they do, not during the regular time slots.


Today's society is not the same as that from 20 or 30 years ago, and, therefore, neither should education. At Severo Ochoa School we have been developing projects that have made us leaders in teaching innovation.


Our teachers, who are points of reference of educational changes both inside and outside school, are highly experienced in the use of innovative teaching approaches.


We seek excellence for every student, which will certainly be diverse, far from egalitarianism and, hence, the minimum level.

KA1 towards the year 2030

With our eyes set on the inclusive school, we rely on new approaches such as Project-Based Learning, to introduce new, motivating activities that improve school performance and atmosphere. For that reason, we focus on the 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, according to the UN resolution of the 25th of September 2015, as the main theme about which we want to learn.

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Emprén Programme

At Severo Ochoa school we intend to promote entrepreneurial spirit through the development of business ventures and start-ups. We will stimulate entrepreneurial culture through the use of methodologies that encourage creativity, innovation and student self-management.

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Excellence network

Severo Ochoa school has been recognized by the Valencian Council for Education as a School of Excellence in VET specialised in advanced systems related to the ICT professional family. Schools of Excellence work in coordination with the General VET Department to develop applied innovation measures, and carry out experimentation and research in the VET area.

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Acredita Programme

The aim of the programme is the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience. The official certification is issued to the candidate after assessment of their professional competences.

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Project-based Learning

Project-based learning is a highly successful approach that allows students to acquire 21st-century key knowledge and skills by developing projects that address real-life problems.
This methodology has been applied in 1st year GCSE since 2008, which has made us a referent in the Valencian Community. In the year 2021-2022, it will be used for the first time in 2nd year GCSE.

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European Schools Network

It offers a platform for teachers in participating European countries to communicate, collaborate, develop projects or share. In other words, it allows teachers to feel and belong to the most appealing European teaching community.

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Qualitas Programme

We aim to implement a quality teaching model at Severo Ochoa school.
The main goals are two: involve teachers in management and expected results. Also, make students familiar with management systems that they will later find in the labour world.

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Innovatec Programme

The aim of this programme is to implement digitalisation and applied technologies in all VET courses, project-based collaborative learning and other innovative approaches that improve students' personal, social and professional skills.
In the year 2021-2022, our teachers will apply high-performance methodologies in different VET courses, supervised by Tknika School in the Basque Country and in coordination with four other schools in the province.

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28 Illueca Street
03206 Elche, Spain

Phone; 966 912 260

Email address: 03013224.secretaria@edu.gva.es

Secretary opening hours

10.00 to 14.00 (Monday to Friday)
17.00 to 19.00 (Monday to Thursday)

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