Educational Offer

Educación Secundaria

The CSE stage is part of basic education. According to Article 27.4 of the Spanish Constitution, it is compulsory and free of charge. This stage of education consists of four academic years, which are typically studied from ages 12 to 16.

CSE education is organized into different subjects, with the aim of both a common education and the required attention to students' diversity.

At this stage, special attention is paid to students' personal tutoring as well as to their educational, pedagogical-psychological and vocational counselling.

A Levels (or 'Bachillerato') is the last stage of Secondary Education. It is voluntary and consists of two years, typically for students aged 16 to 18. It takes various forms, and it is organised in flexible pathways so as to offer a more specialised training and cater for students' careers.

This stage has the following aims:

-Provide a comprehensive education, encouraging a greater intellectual, personal maturity, as well as a greater ability to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills.
-Lay the foundations for further studies at university or VET courses.
-Promote critical thinking in order to consolidate students' intellectual, personal maturity and enable them to enter working life in a responsible and competent manner.


The professional branch of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) refers to activities and companies whose aim is to set up, configure and manage computer equipment, services, components and its operating software, information repositories, communication between mobile and fixed-line devices as well as to develop programs using specific software technologies and tools.


Two main areas are distinguished inside the professional branch of Marketing and Commerce:

-Marketing: commercial activities, consumption, marketing and market research.
-Logistics and shipping: passengers carriage and goods supplying, storage and transportation.

This branch, included in the Service area, has a strong intersectoral scope that ranges from trading activities and companies in its broadest sense (retail and wholesale trade, transportation, storage and logistics supporting activities) as well as providing marketing, market research and advertising-related services to companies.

The Administration and Business Management branch covers a wide range of professional activities grouped under three areas of study:

-Administration and Auditing
-Finance and Insurance
-Information and Communication Management

This professional branch is characterised by its broad transversality, involving all production sectors and all kinds of companies.