Erasmus+ in Budapest

Erasmus + formación en Budapest

Between July 26 and August 8, two teachers of Vocational Training carried out a training course in Budapest (Hungary) within the Erasmus project of the center “Experiences in other countries to internationalize the IES Las Espeñetas”.

El título del curso fue “Cultivando la Diversidad y la Inclusión / CLIL y PBL para Mejorar el Compromiso Estudiantil”. El objetivo de este curso era el aprendizaje de estrategias de integración e inclusión en el aula y el estudio de las metodologías de aprendizaje “CLIL-Content and Language Integrated Learning” y “PBLL- Project-Based Language Learning”.

The course reflected the importance of promoting inclusion and diversity in schools and we learned interesting strategies to identify barriers to intercultural communication and ways to overcome them, to improve coexistence in the classroom. In the second part of the course, competencies were acquired in new teaching methodologies CLIL and PBLL, to teach a curricular subject through a foreign language (for example, English) with the aim of improving the language learning of our students.

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