La carrera solidaria del CEIP Sanchis Guarner consigue recaudar 1.880 euros a afor del ONG Save the Children.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara, the AMPA of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner and the Department of Education of the City Council of Ondara organized yesterday, Tuesday, May 14, the 1st Carrera Solidaria CEIP Sanchis Guarner «Kilometers of solidarity. For the rights of the child ”, in favor of the ONG Save the Children.

The solidarity of the participating students made it possible to raise 1,880 euros, which will be allocated entirely to this ONG for the rights of the child. The race had the participation of all the students of the Marjales Children’s School and the Sanchis Guarner de Ondara Elementary School (620 students in total), from all courses; the three of infantil, and the six primary courses, celebrating a total of 9 courses (one for each course). Previously, the students were offered a warm-up session with dance, courtesy of Areli Montiel.

The solidarity race has been organized by CEIP Sanchis Gaurner, with the active participation of teachers, and by the AMPA of CEIP, which offered fruit for lunch. This solidarity race was carried out through the streets Dénia and Alfatares, and had the collaboration of the Department of Sports and Education of the Ondara City Council (which provided the necessary logistics, with the goal arch, materials and ambulance), Local Police, and Civil Protection of Ondara.